
In various places within Sailwave the user can select from a list of classes and/or class ratings. The content of these lists is derived from data that the user supplies in the form of rating files. The Sailwave web site contains various rating files donated by users that can be downloaded and integrated into your Sailwave installation. Sailwave provides a user interface to gain access to these files. You then edit them by hand using Excel or Notepad etc. Having edited the files, a facility is provided to reload the records in the files back into Sailwave. Sailwave does an initial load of the rating files when it starts up.


All rating files must be located in a sub folder called ratings in your Sailwave installation folder, which by default is c:\program files\sailwave.


Each rating file must have a .csv extension and contain a list of records, one per line. Each Record shall consist of these comma separated fields:-
  • 1. Rating system code. The code is not case-sensitive and shall be one of:-

    pyRYA Portsmouth yardstick rating system
    texelTexel catamaran rating system
    scrISAF small catamaran handicap rating system
    tcfAny time correction factor system, e.g. IRC, IRM, ECHO
    vyAustralian Victorian yachting rating system
    uspnUSSA Portsmouth rating system
    phrfStandard TOD PHRF
    customCustom rating system as defined within Sailwave

  • 2. Boat class.
  • 3. Default rating.
  • 4. A comma separated list of wind indexed ratings. This field does not always need to be defined.

If any field contains a comma within it, the field must be contained within double-quote characters. For example the wind indexed ratings field must always be contained within double-quote characters because it contains a list of command separated wind indexed rating values.

Example records:-

  • PY, Dart 18, 768
  • scr, Dart 18, 1.18
  • scr, Dart 18 (with spi), 1.16
  • uspn, "Isotope (Sloop, 1-Up) ISTP", 74.2, "79.5,74.5,73.8,68.1"

Comment lines

Comment lines can be included in a rating file by ensuring that the first non-white-space character of the line is a semicolon. For example:-

  • ; PY, Dart 18, 768
  • ;note - using non-std value Dart 18, 768
  •  ; this file was created by Joe Bloggs


  • You can mix rating systems in a single file but it's more usual not to.
  • The Sailwave web site contains various rating files donated by users that can be downloaded and integrated into your Sailwave installation.
  • Sub-folders in the rating files folder are ignored.
  • Files that do not have a .csv extension are ignored.

www.sailwave.com enquiries@sailwave.com