I’m sure SailWave can accommodate all those different variables in the one .blw
I’ve entered the fleet with different divisions with their different start and finished times on scoring the B division corrected time and subsequent handicap seems to be affected by the previous divisions elspsed time. In the publish menu the 2nd option to split the calculation using Division as the difference was used.
I don’t won’t to have separate .blw files as that will cause publishing problems having only 1 web button to access the results.
Something to do with Flight, Fleet and Division settings?
It is best to use Fleets rather than divisions in Sailwave for what you are trying to do and then score using the second scoring option. Sailwave comes from a dinghy racing background originally that is why term Fleet is used whereas in big boat sailing they use Division for groupings of boats. You can use the Sailwave field/column Fleet and rename to Division if you want.
Have you set-up starts for the three Divisions/Fleets? Click race column header and select Edit race, then set-up the three starts selecting which boats are on each start, if using Division/Fleet name, by clicking select competitors button. Now set the start time for the group of boats just selected; also selecting finish time from the drop down list. I recommend that start time is entered as HHMMSS and so is finish time when you enter it using the Sail Number Wizard.
If you would like to share your Sailwave file, I will take a look at it.
Kind regards,
Hi Huw
Haven’t had much luck. I created a new series selected NHC rescored now its not amending the next race rating. Tried it again and got a not in race start message for one competitor.
I tried adding a fleet to the original file rescoring resulted in no change to the next race rating to.
Thanks Jon.
Got it
I added a few more competitors with made up time’s and added a second fleet start time to see what would happen and away it went. Didn’t know about the 3 boat minimum!
On publishing how do I select just the boats that have raced at some point in the series. I was hoping to use include these scored groups option excluding the division with a 1 suffix rather than publish results with all boats but I see the list to publish is now based on the fleet tags. Can I do the samething with fleet tags without mu mucking the calculations up?
Another point to know is that for NHC to work at the end of a series there has to be one more race than is actually sailed. This is so when scored with the last race of the actual series there is somewhere for Sailwave to put the new rating calculated after the last race of the series.