[2.00 b1] Global settings -> Code formats not saved

(apologies if the solution to this is already in the forum somewhere
and my searches have missed it.)

In the "Global Settings" box open the "Code/discard formatting" tab.
Enter something in the exception format table using New and Edit.
When OK is clicked the changes are applied to the race series.
However, when I open the formatting tab again the exception format
table is blank. Clicking Ok applies the new blank exception
formatting. The settings for "Default code format", "Discard format"
and "Strike through" are remembered correctly.

Does anybody else see this behaviour?
I am running Vista (Home Premium if that makes any difference).
I am logged on as a normal user (not admin).
Where are the global settings saved (file? registry?)?
Is it a Vista protection/security issue (which I could easily
believe) or a Sailwave bug?

Mike Radford

I also see this problem with v2.00b1 running on Windows XP SP3 using a
standard user account with additional "Power Users" capability. I guess
this means it is a Sailwave issue rather than a Vista problem.

Can anybody else recreate this problem?


Thanks Mike, fixed. WIll be in 2.00 build 2 which
is almost ready

Colin J


radford.mike wrote:

