2 Quick Questions

2 quick questions:

1) I just updated one of my computers (Windows ME) from v 146 to v 158.
   When sailwave starts now, it gives the following error box:

  "Rating file folder C:\Program Files\Sailwave\Ratings does not exist-
    setting to default"
   then it gets the ratings.csv from the directory that it just said did not
   exist. And the ratings are correct.

2) I had a request to add the date from one of the places where our results
are published. I know that I can add it for each race but I would prefer to
just add it as another line in the series properties. Any easy way to add
another entry here?
Something like:
        Pine Point Scarborough, Maine
          Pine Point Regatta
            July 24-25, 2004
        Preliminary Results Saturday

      Sailed: 4 Discards: 0 Ratings: USPN

Scott Malcolm

Hi Scott,

No 2 was an easy one...

In Properties and event name:
Pine Point Regatta<br>July 24-25, 2004

<br> makes another row in the field. You can use html-tags.

Venue name:
Pine Point Scarborough, Maine

Looks greate

Anders Landenstad

--- In sailwave@yahoogroups.com, "Scott Malcolm" <swmalcolm@c...>

2 quick questions:

1) I just updated one of my computers (Windows ME) from v 146 to v


   When sailwave starts now, it gives the following error box:

  "Rating file folder C:\Program Files\Sailwave\Ratings does

not exist-

    setting to default"
   then it gets the ratings.csv from the directory that it just

said did not

   exist. And the ratings are correct.

2) I had a request to add the date from one of the places where

our results

are published. I know that I can add it for each race but I would

prefer to

just add it as another line in the series properties. Any easy way

to add


another entry here?
Something like:
        Pine Point Scarborough, Maine
          Pine Point Regatta
            July 24-25, 2004
        Preliminary Results Saturday

      Sailed: 4 Discards: 0 Ratings: USPN

Scott Malcolm

Hi Scott.

1. sounds like 1.57, not the laetst 1.58 which I recommed over it.

2. very soon edit+properties will become a list of properties that you can
create/delete as necessary and refer to them from the templates. in the
interim you need to use Anders solution.



-----Original Message-----
From: Scott Malcolm [mailto:swmalcolm@comcast.net]
Sent: 26 September 2004 21:58
To: sailwave@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [sailwave] 2 Quick Questions

2 quick questions:

1) I just updated one of my computers (Windows ME) from v 146 to v 158.
   When sailwave starts now, it gives the following error box:

  "Rating file folder C:\Program Files\Sailwave\Ratings does
not exist-
    setting to default"
   then it gets the ratings.csv from the directory that it just
said did not
   exist. And the ratings are correct.

2) I had a request to add the date from one of the places where
our results
are published. I know that I can add it for each race but I would
prefer to
just add it as another line in the series properties. Any easy way to add
another entry here?
Something like:
        Pine Point Scarborough, Maine
          Pine Point Regatta
            July 24-25, 2004
        Preliminary Results Saturday

      Sailed: 4 Discards: 0 Ratings: USPN

Scott Malcolm

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