A problem moving from Qualification races to Finals

Hi: I've been working on the Laser problem - Two fleets of Apprentice and Grand master, no reflighting. Two fleets of Masters, Yellow and Red reflighted daily. By merely grouping them into Flights I can score the Qs. After each race the Masters are reflighted by hand. Works OK. But to move to the Finals I want to reflight the Masters into Gold and Silver. Seems easy, just use Tools, Flight Assignments, Select Competitors. Set Flight=Yellow, and Flight=Red. Then set Assign these Flights to Gold and Silver. Use Equal Groups App LE. Seems OK to me. Hit OK and every Flight - Apprentice, Grand Master, Both Masters are grouped into Gold and Silver. It ignores the Select Competitors and looks like a flaw.
I can allocate by hand but that is tedious.
In Edit Race it is set to All Competitors and populated to all races.
Is it a flaw or is it me?
Thanks, Donald

I just tried it with Fleet=master and that worked ok.



-----Original Message-----
From: sailwave@yahoogroups.com
[mailto:sailwave@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of donald.wyllie
Sent: 11 March 2009 20:36
To: sailwave@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [sailwave] A problem moving from Qualification races
to Finals

Hi: I've been working on the Laser problem - Two fleets of
Apprentice and Grand master, no reflighting. Two fleets of
Masters, Yellow and Red reflighted daily. By merely grouping
them into Flights I can score the Qs. After each race the
Masters are reflighted by hand. Works OK. But to move to the
Finals I want to reflight the Masters into Gold and Silver.
Seems easy, just use Tools, Flight Assignments, Select
Competitors. Set Flight=Yellow, and Flight=Red. Then set
Assign these Flights to Gold and Silver. Use Equal Groups App
LE. Seems OK to me. Hit OK and every Flight - Apprentice,
Grand Master, Both Masters are grouped into Gold and Silver.
It ignores the Select Competitors and looks like a flaw.
I can allocate by hand but that is tedious.
In Edit Race it is set to All Competitors and populated to all races.
Is it a flaw or is it me?
Thanks, Donald


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Donald, as John says, when you use the Flight rotation tool, you need
to specify who to apply the rotation to and in your case that’s
fleet=mas if you’re using the file I sent you - or whatever you called
the masters fleet.


Harvey, John wrote:

