It is my memory that when this was discussed a year or so ago the
concept was to have settings to configure publishing.
Some of the stuff needed would, I believe, be fairly easy to implement.
Others could be more difficult. Almost all of it is stuff that varies
what the program generates and so would vary from race to race and
wouldn't be the kind of thing that a true "script" can really do (not
unless you modified the script every time you publish!).
I believe the issue is this: Sailwave is designed to publish everything
onto one looong webpage. You have the option to select and publish the
series and races separately but since there is only one set of titles
and notes you need to modify them for each separate page that you
publish. The request in the past was to have a place to predefine stuff,
like series titles and race titles and series notes and race notes. For
a race with "issues" (such as pending redress or protests) you'll want
to publish a note and modify the title so ideally you'd want
race-specific titles and notes. This can be done now but it is a bit
clumsy and introduces a place where errors can occur. I should think it
would be better to be able to pre-define the options for the series and
for each race then all that would be necessary would be to publish the
series or a race and there would typically be no need to change options.
That issues isn't that it isn't possible now - it is - the issue is that
when there are many things to change every time a different race is
published there are just that many more things for the data entry person
to get wrong (if the club programmer who maintains the program is also
the data entry person then the issue isn't too serious but that seldom
is the case at our club).
A related issue is file names - Sailwave currently requires the data
entry person to put in a file name for every publish via FTP. That is
another place where errors can occur. Ideally, one would want to
pre-define all the page names for a series or regatta so selecting a
race to publish specifies the title, any notes and the file name to use.
One immediate easy fix would be on the options page to have a place
where the titles could be specified differently for the series and race
(possibly with a checkbox to override the standard title - that way
looong combined pages would use the single title while separate pages
would use the separate titles). And, there probably should be a "Publish
note" checkbox option under both series and race with two boxes for data
entry on the Notes tab (one for series note and one for race note).
RELATED NOTE - We call the races "#1, #2, #3, etc." So, that's what we
want in the title. But the "#" symbol is a reserved symbol and cannot be
used in the title. It would be nice if there were some code we could use
instead that would produce the "#" symbol (such as "\#" or "##"). This
often happens in a computer language and there is usually some "escape"
code that can be used to actually print the reserved word. In the same
vein, we run all published pages through a post-publish processor (just
an Excel macro) so we can fix some formatting and add a "Last updated: "
line at the bottom. It would be nice if we could put that in the footer
html file. Presumably, others might like that as well.
One other thing I think we talked about some time ago was the ability to
publish different things on the caption line. We want the start time,
course distance and course designation. The other stuff we take out in
our post-publish processing. It would be nice to have a page with check
boxes where one could decide what items to include in the caption lines.
That is more of a wish item then the titles and notes.
PS - Just to be clear - we are happy having to publish series and races
separately. We wouldn't see much value in that being automated (though
maybe others might). What we would see value in is the ability to
pre-set publish options so when we do publish separate race pages we
wouldn't have to change the title and notes each time.
On 9/11/2014 9:48 AM, 'Richard Creer' [sailwave] wrote:
Thanks, Colin.
It may not be hard to split up an html file if you have the relevant skills
but it's damn near impossible if you don't! I humbly suggest this is
something that would be better developed once and made available either as
part of the product or as an add-in so that everyone can benefit rather than
keep reinventing the wheel.
Or publish as multiple small html files in the first place...
Posted by: "Richard Creer" <>
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