Average lap PY scoring

Please can anyone help me setup a series using average lap PY racing. The rule we are trying to apply is that if a boat has completed fewer laps then it can’t be placed ahead of one who has done more laps.

E.g. if a laser completes 5 laps, it can’t be beaten by an optimist who only completes 3 laps…the optimist can only beat other boats who also complete the same or fewer laps than itself.

Many thanks


Hi Paul,

Doesn’t that defeat the point of average lap racing? Why would the Optimist even enter?

Are you sure you don’t mean that a boat can’t be beaten by a boat of the same PY or faster which does fewer laps? That is an anomaly which can happen when the wind dies on the last lap when the well sailed boat has to go round again.

It has been discussed here before and I think that most people resolve it with an SI which allows a time to be taken back to the end of the previous lap.



On 20 May 2019, at 17:01, robsonp70@yahoo.com [sailwave] sailwave@yahoogroups.com wrote:

Please can anyone help me setup a series using average lap PY racing. The rule we are trying to apply is that if a boat has completed fewer laps then it can’t be placed ahead of one who has done more laps.

E.g. if a laser completes 5 laps, it can’t be beaten by an optimist who only completes 3 laps…the optimist can only beat other boats who also complete the same or fewer laps than itself.

Many thanks


Hi Ian

Either option is something we are considering implementing but would like to know how to do this automatically with a scoring rule within Sailwave if possible.



Hi Paul,
Sorry, I don’t understand your reply to Ian’s reply to your posting.

I agree with Ian’s post.

and this does not require any scoring rule modifications in Sailwave



Jon Eskdale

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