BCR showing Zero

We started our Summer Twilight Series last night. The series database is a copy of our Spring Series database with all the race data removed. Only our keelers sailed in Race 1 because of adverse winds. After scoring the race I noticed that the BCR’s are showing 0. Can anyone help me figure out why this has occurred? The BCR’s were showing correctly in the Spring Series database.

Summer Series 2024 using Revised NPCL Handicap System.blw (45.0 KB)

Hi Kevin,

The issue is the file is configured to score use a fixed rating TCF but the column you are displaying (HCP) is the rating for the next race when using progressive handicap

If you are using a fixed rating then you should display the rating column rather than the new rating
If you do this you will notice that “Marshal Law” 4909 has no rating specified - If you set this to 0.852
and rescore all will be fine

Hope this helps



Thanks for the prompt reply. About half an hour before your email arrived I discovered the missing rating for Marshall Law.

