I am a new SW user. Our sailing club in Finland organizes many races for keelboats. The biggest is a ranked series of 12 races during the season from May to September (a total of 100 boats) and an ocean race at night over the Gulf of Finland from Helsinki to Tallinn in Estonia with many rating systems (200 boats). We are thinking of changing the calculation and publishing of the results from Excel to a more robust platform.
I have studied SW actively during the last two weeks and recalulated some of our last seasons competitions using SW. My first impression: SW is excellant software.
There are some features what are not clear to me. I am sure that experienced users have solutions to my problems or practical solutions for missing (or unknown for me) features of SW.
1.I have created basic data for competitors (skipper name, sail number, boat type, boat name etc) using "Import competitors using CSV". I want later to complete the data of existing competitors (ratings, skippers' emails etc) using the same method, with a matching column, e.g. Sail number. The result is a new row on a spreadsheet, and not updating the already existing competitor row. How should I do that correctly?
2.I have read old SUG messages. SW does not support the calculation of starting times for a pursuit starting system. No problem. Calculation can be made in Excel and moved to Start time in SW using "Import results from CSV" (Finish time column cannot be omitted, 00:00:00 works?). My problem is rating and scoring. What should I select on the "Race scoring" tab so that the shortest elapsed time is a winner and he has the correct rank number 1 etc? In the "Rating system" tab I have chosen "None" (individual starting times include ratings). I have tried many "Race scoring" alternatives with no success. One of the selections may lead to all competitors receiving rank 1. What is a practical solution or trick to manage that?
3.I have understood that the rating method of SW is based on to one boat-specific correction factor (c = r *e). The commonly used ORC Club rating method needs two boat specific factors r1 and r2. What is a practical method to manage this rule (c = r1 * e r2 * d)? A correct answer is not "Don't use it"
The practical solution could be: Start times, Finish times and Sail numbers from SW to Excel, calculation of Corrected times and "start specific rating values" (r = corrected time/elapsed time), writing results back to SW using sail numbers for matching. (This "start specific rating" guaranties that "Rescore" now correctly calculates corrected times for these ORC boats.) It seems to me that SWPH Excel (almost) does that, but I don't understood how I should define the link correctly for this purpose?
What is "Sailwave ID" in SWPH Excel sheet? I could not find this column in the SW spreadsheet.
Many thanks in advance
Heikki Kosonen