Boats not in starts when (re)scoring series


We are just transitioning across to SailWave.

One issue I currently have is we run psuedo pursuit races, i.e. staggered starts but then adjust on PY.

So I set up all the starts and I need one per class (even though they many share the same start number)

When you hit score / rescore series it warns you there are no boats in the starts that have no boats - but as we have 32 classes but maybe 6 actually competing at any one time, it the requires 30 'OK’s to ignore the fact that the starts are empty - as the series progresses this compounds - so race 2 also has 30 empty starts to ‘accept’.

Have I set this up wrong or is there a away to just say don’t warn about empty starts?


I have setup our handicap races like this and (except for a single ‘missing expression’ warning), it all works just fine.

We have staggered starts, depending on the skipper/boat combination, and what I do is have the start for each competitor setup as the start time for the first boat (the zero boat) plus the competitors boat handicap. I then score the series using the formula (c=60*r+e) where ‘r’ is the handicap of the boat in minutes.

I hope that helps.

Rob Morton

Pambula NSW Australia


From: []
Sent: Monday, 9 November 2015 4:07
Subject: [sailwave] Boats not in starts when (re)scoring series


We are just transitioning across to SailWave.

One issue I currently have is we run psuedo pursuit races, i.e. staggered starts but then adjust on PY.

So I set up all the starts and I need one per class (even though they many share the same start number)

When you hit score / rescore series it warns you there are no boats in the starts that have no boats - but as we have 32 classes but maybe 6 actually competing at any one time, it the requires 30 'OK’s to ignore the fact that the starts are empty - as the series progresses this compounds - so race 2 also has 30 empty starts to ‘accept’.

Have I set this up wrong or is there a away to just say don’t warn about empty starts?


I don’t quite understand. I think I’m doing the same, but as I have 32 starts and five have actual boats, SailWave warns me for every empty start