Column Formatting

Hi, I’m wondering if anyone has had any success using the column formatting feature? I want to show a boats AltSailNo under the true sail number in the SailNo field. However, when using a format of *
AltSailNo as the format of the SailNo field, the resulting published SailNo field shows as * over AltSailNo, i.e. it has taken the element of the format, other than the html, as values not strings.


Many thanks.

Hi Jools,

AltSailNo is what you want :wink:

That is “backtick” which is next to the numeral 1 on my keyboard.

Kind regards,

Hi Huw,

Ah, a backtick. Must go to SpecSavers! :slight_smile:

Many thanks.

Hi Jools,
I need new glasses as well. I have just noticed that my typing was ‘modified’ by the editor to remove backticks.

So to make clear I now include an image.

Kind regards,

Hi Huw,

Thank you, but I did figure out the formatting from the ‘help bubble’ displayed when hovering over the field. Now working as desired.


Many thanks for your help, as always.
