Competitor Database

"Secondly, any further development on the single database for all

A tool to combine databases would be helpful as long as the option is given
to select which results to import before constantly bringing in Johnny who
sailed just the once and gave you an incorrect sail number etc etc!

An alternative is to keep your own master database. A suggested procedure
is to, (1) Bring all competitors from your most recent series into the new
series database and print out a competitor list. (2) On each race day after
reg or sign in check (or better still have a helper who is wanting to learn
the software check) entries against the series competition list. (3) If a
new competitor is found the check them against the master database. (4)If
they are not on that either then enter the new competitor to the master data
base (5)Import all new competitors from the master database to the current

No need to search all over he place because you "are sure you've seen that
name before" also handy tool to find total number of sailors in a season.

Peter Gordon

Our problem is the volume of data. In a two year period we have over a 1,000
boats sail at the club. We have the same boat sailed by different
competitors (husband/wife, boat partners etc.) and the same competitor
sailing multiple boats at different regattas. We need an easy way to manage
the volume of data.


-------Original Message-------

Date: Monday, June 16, 2003 12:31:15 PM
Subject: [sailwave] RE: Competitor Database

"Secondly, any further development on the single database for all

A tool to combine databases would be helpful as long as the option is given
to select which results to import before constantly bringing in Johnny who
sailed just the once and gave you an incorrect sail number etc etc!

An alternative is to keep your own master database. A suggested procedure
is to, (1) Bring all competitors from your most recent series into the new
series database and print out a competitor list. (2) On each race day after
reg or sign in check (or better still have a helper who is wanting to learn
the software check) entries against the series competition list. (3) If a
new competitor is found the check them against the master database. (4)If
they are not on that either then enter the new competitor to the master data
base (5)Import all new competitors from the master database to the current

No need to search all over he place because you "are sure you've seen that
name before" also handy tool to find total number of sailors in a season.

Peter Gordon

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Exactly! We have a sailing season of say 7 months and 4 races per week of on average 12 competitors per race is some1300 boat movements to keep track of. Helms swap with crews, juniors try out different boats, double-handers go solo, etc etc. A Class/Helm/Sail No. database would be a boon!


----- Original Message -----
  From: Mark Townsend
  Sent: Monday, June 16, 2003 8:41 PM
  Subject: Re: [sailwave] RE: Competitor Database

  Our problem is the volume of data. In a two year period we have over a 1,000
  boats sail at the club. We have the same boat sailed by different
  competitors (husband/wife, boat partners etc.) and the same competitor
  sailing multiple boats at different regattas. We need an easy way to manage
  the volume of data.

  -------Original Message-------

  Date: Monday, June 16, 2003 12:31:15 PM
  Subject: [sailwave] RE: Competitor Database

  "Secondly, any further development on the single database for all

  A tool to combine databases would be helpful as long as the option is given
  to select which results to import before constantly bringing in Johnny who
  sailed just the once and gave you an incorrect sail number etc etc!

  An alternative is to keep your own master database. A suggested procedure
  is to, (1) Bring all competitors from your most recent series into the new
  series database and print out a competitor list. (2) On each race day after
  reg or sign in check (or better still have a helper who is wanting to learn
  the software check) entries against the series competition list. (3) If a
  new competitor is found the check them against the master database. (4)If
  they are not on that either then enter the new competitor to the master data
  base (5)Import all new competitors from the master database to the current

  No need to search all over he place because you "are sure you've seen that
  name before" also handy tool to find total number of sailors in a season.

  Peter Gordon

  Yahoo! Groups Sponsor

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The discussion on this is useful and interesting - however, before I
do anything, I will discuss with Colin to make sure anything I do
does not compromise his development plans. If we're not careful,
the 'database management' tool will take on a life of its own,
outside Sailwave.


I absolutely agree. Any such tool must be an integral part of Sailwave if we are to get efficient performance in scoring.


----- Original Message -----
  From: James Lavery
  Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2003 8:26 AM
  Subject: [sailwave] Re: Competitor Database

  The discussion on this is useful and interesting - however, before I
  do anything, I will discuss with Colin to make sure anything I do
  does not compromise his development plans. If we're not careful,
  the 'database management' tool will take on a life of its own,
  outside Sailwave.


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do anything, I will discuss with Colin to make sure anything I do
does not compromise his development plans. If we're not careful,
the 'database management' tool will take on a life of its own,
outside Sailwave.

Further to my private email this morning - I've thought of a way I
can do this fairly easily (and incrementally). If you still want to
go ahead and do a DIY scheme then please feel free; I'm all for add-
ons developed by other folk.

1. Allow users to point at a series to use as a 'master' competitor
list. Allow users to specify 'sync options' - e.g. crew+helm or
class+sailno etc.

2. Whenever a series is saved from within Sailwave, auto-sync the
competitors to the master list based on the sync options. i.e.
maintenance if the master list is nil/auto.

3. For now, add competitors to series using the existing 'import
from another series' facility, which perhaps a hardwired link to the
master database so you don't have to browse for it.


4. Streamline 3. so competitors can be added in a less clunky manner.

How does that sound?


Sounds OK, Colin. The current problem with creating a Competitor list file by importing from other Sailwave files en-masse is that you get a lot of duplication if a competitor(s) appears in more than one race/file. Presumably, with this proposal, a unique entry will appear only once?


----- Original Message -----
  From: sailwavedev
  Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2003 3:16 PM
  Subject: [sailwave] Re: Competitor Database

  > do anything, I will discuss with Colin to make sure anything I do
  > does not compromise his development plans. If we're not careful,
  > the 'database management' tool will take on a life of its own,
  > outside Sailwave.

  Further to my private email this morning - I've thought of a way I
  can do this fairly easily (and incrementally). If you still want to
  go ahead and do a DIY scheme then please feel free; I'm all for add-
  ons developed by other folk.

  1. Allow users to point at a series to use as a 'master' competitor
  list. Allow users to specify 'sync options' - e.g. crew+helm or
  class+sailno etc.

  2. Whenever a series is saved from within Sailwave, auto-sync the
  competitors to the master list based on the sync options. i.e.
  maintenance if the master list is nil/auto.

  3. For now, add competitors to series using the existing 'import
  from another series' facility, which perhaps a hardwired link to the
  master database so you don't have to browse for it.


  4. Streamline 3. so competitors can be added in a less clunky manner.

  How does that sound?


        Yahoo! Groups Sponsor
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Sounds OK, Colin. The current problem with creating a Competitor list file

by importing from other Sailwave files en-masse is that you get a lot of
duplication if a competitor(s) appears in more than one race/file.
Presumably, with this proposal, a unique entry will appear only once?<

Uniquess is contextual so yes, I'll provide facilities such that you can
specificy uniquess. I would guess it's not only contextual across clubs,
but across activities in a club, but we can worry about that later...



-----Original Message-----
From: Keith Lomax []
Sent: 18 June 2003 08:00
Subject: Re: [sailwave] Re: Competitor Database

Sounds OK, Colin. The current problem with creating a Competitor list file
by importing from other Sailwave files en-masse is that you get a lot of
duplication if a competitor(s) appears in more than one race/file.
Presumably, with this proposal, a unique entry will appear only once?
  ----- Original Message -----
  From: sailwavedev
  Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2003 3:16 PM
  Subject: [sailwave] Re: Competitor Database

  > do anything, I will discuss with Colin to make sure anything I do
  > does not compromise his development plans. If we're not careful,
  > the 'database management' tool will take on a life of its own,
  > outside Sailwave.

  Further to my private email this morning - I've thought of a way I
  can do this fairly easily (and incrementally). If you still want to
  go ahead and do a DIY scheme then please feel free; I'm all for add-
  ons developed by other folk.

  1. Allow users to point at a series to use as a 'master' competitor
  list. Allow users to specify 'sync options' - e.g. crew+helm or
  class+sailno etc.

  2. Whenever a series is saved from within Sailwave, auto-sync the
  competitors to the master list based on the sync options. i.e.
  maintenance if the master list is nil/auto.

  3. For now, add competitors to series using the existing 'import
  from another series' facility, which perhaps a hardwired link to the
  master database so you don't have to browse for it.


  4. Streamline 3. so competitors can be added in a less clunky manner.

  How does that sound?


        Yahoo! Groups Sponsor

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Hi Mark,

Our problem is the volume of data. In a two year period we have over a

boats sail at the club. We have the same boat sailed by different
competitors (husband/wife, boat partners etc.) and the same competitor
sailing multiple boats at different regattas. We need an easy way to manage
the volume of data.<

Presumably in the competitor database, would you want all the variations of
helm+crew stored so you can pick them again...?



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Hi Colin,
With the 'external' or DIY option, what I'm thinking of is having an
incremental search as the user types, thus allowing the user to type
in a surname be able to pick the right people with that surname -
also (maybe) the boats they're recorded as sailing, so that the user
can put together a competitor list on screen, for pumping into a
series (avoiding duplicates).

The database would have a standard 'Sailwave name' for each
competitor, so that a competitor appears with consistent name
formatting (we've got, for example, Anthony Bloggs who is entered
variously as A. Bloggs, T. Bloggs, Bloggs A, Bloggs T etc.).


Hi Mark,

>Our problem is the volume of data. In a two year period we have

over a

boats sail at the club. We have the same boat sailed by different
competitors (husband/wife, boat partners etc.) and the same


sailing multiple boats at different regattas. We need an easy way

to manage

the volume of data.<

Presumably in the competitor database, would you want all the

variations of


--- In, "Colin Jenkins" <colin@s...> wrote:

helm+crew stored so you can pick them again...?


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Any chance you that could add a few of extra fields to the database. In our
old regatta management system, which was DOS based, we used to keep track of
information such as mailing, address, e-mail address, t-shirts ordered,
meals ordered. Although this is not needed for the majority of our regattas,
when you have 200+ boats it is nice to have the information in a single
place rather than lots of excel spread sheets. If you could add 4 or 5
fields like the notes fields each club rename the column and use them for
whatever purpose they wished.



-------Original Message-------

Date: Wednesday, June 18, 2003 01:40:01 AM
Subject: RE: [sailwave] Re: Competitor Database

Sounds OK, Colin. The current problem with creating a Competitor list file

by importing from other Sailwave files en-masse is that you get a lot of
duplication if a competitor(s) appears in more than one race/file.
Presumably, with this proposal, a unique entry will appear only once?<

Uniquess is contextual so yes, I'll provide facilities such that you can
specificy uniquess. I would guess it's not only contextual across clubs,
but across activities in a club, but we can worry about that later...


-----Original Message-----
From: Keith Lomax []
Sent: 18 June 2003 08:00
Subject: Re: [sailwave] Re: Competitor Database

Sounds OK, Colin. The current problem with creating a Competitor list file
by importing from other Sailwave files en-masse is that you get a lot of
duplication if a competitor(s) appears in more than one race/file.
Presumably, with this proposal, a unique entry will appear only once?
   ----- Original Message -----
   From: sailwavedev
   Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2003 3:16 PM
   Subject: [sailwave] Re: Competitor Database

   > do anything, I will discuss with Colin to make sure anything I do
   > does not compromise his development plans. If we're not careful,
   > the 'database management' tool will take on a life of its own,
   > outside Sailwave.

   Further to my private email this morning - I've thought of a way I
   can do this fairly easily (and incrementally). If you still want to
   go ahead and do a DIY scheme then please feel free; I'm all for add-
   ons developed by other folk.

   1. Allow users to point at a series to use as a 'master' competitor
   list. Allow users to specify 'sync options' - e.g. crew+helm or
   class+sailno etc.

   2. Whenever a series is saved from within Sailwave, auto-sync the
   competitors to the master list based on the sync options. i.e.
   maintenance if the master list is nil/auto.

   3. For now, add competitors to series using the existing 'import
   from another series' facility, which perhaps a hardwired link to the
   master database so you don't have to browse for it.


   4. Streamline 3. so competitors can be added in a less clunky manner.

   How does that sound?


         Yahoo! Groups Sponsor

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Creating a "master" sailwave database that mirrors the current Sailwave
file, into which we could merge new regattas allowing filtering of duplicate
boats, helms, or boats + helm would work. I don't think it would be
necessary to keep track of the different combinations of a husband sailing
with his wife one weekend, and his daugther the next. It would be simple
enough to edit the crew when you select it into a regatta, if the boat and
helm are correct. When you run the merge the regatta you should probably
replace any entries in the master database with the merging regatta, or have
an option when duplicates are found that prompts you to keep master or keep
new regatta..

The club that I belong to runs a lot of invitational regattas (aka Open
Meetings) for many classes and we record the mailing address and e-mail
address of everyone who sails so we can send them a Notice of Race for
future regattas that they might be interested in sailing. If we could have
some additional fields in the Sailwave database we could track that info and
be able to produce mailing lists by exporting the master database to word or



-------Original Message-------

Date: Wednesday, June 18, 2003 02:14:18 AM
Subject: RE: [sailwave] RE: Competitor Database

Hi Mark,

Our problem is the volume of data. In a two year period we have over a

boats sail at the club. We have the same boat sailed by different
competitors (husband/wife, boat partners etc.) and the same competitor
sailing multiple boats at different regattas. We need an easy way to manage
the volume of data.<

Presumably in the competitor database, would you want all the variations of
helm+crew stored so you can pick them again...?


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Hi Mark,

Any chance you that could add a few of extra fields to the database. In our

old regatta management system, which was DOS based, we used to keep track of
information such as mailing, address, e-mail address, t-shirts ordered,
meals ordered. Although this is not needed for the majority of our regattas,
when you have 200+ boats it is nice to have the information in a single
place rather than lots of excel spread sheets. If you could add 4 or 5
fields like the notes fields each club rename the column and use them for
whatever purpose they wished.<

My plan WRT this is as follows:-

1. Add every field under the sun to the competitor records.

2. Let the user define the number, content and order of the columns
displayed - and allow a column to be specified as a combination of more then
one competitor field. For example it's popular to have the helm and crew in
one field on separate lines (you'll be able to embed HTML). Sailwave'll
come with default columns/content.

When that gets done is another matter... If I could hide away in a dark
room for 6 months we'd be laughing...

Don't forget the WishList on the doc pages...



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