Creating a custom formula for DSQ

We recently had championship series with a fleet who are not local. In their SIs, DSQ is to be coded as ‘number of boats in the series plus 1, plus 10% of the number of boats’. I ended up calculating the value by hand, but have I missed a way that SW could have done it for me?reating a formula for DSQ

Hi Malcolm,

Welcome back to the SUG forum.

Wow the class are really punishing if you get a DSQ!

No you have not missed something in Sailwave. Manual calculation is the only way.

Perhaps something for Jon to consider - adding a custom formulae box like with rating system. But this is the first time I recall ever seeing something like this. So not likely to be high priority!

Kind regards,

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yes, I thought it was a bit excessive. I guess it arose from some incident in the past.