Custom flags and nationalities

We are using Sailwave to run an inter-house sailing competition at our school.
It would be really great if we could use our own customised nationalities and flags to show the house that each sailor is representing instead of their nationality and their house crest instead of a national flag.

Is there any way this could be possible?

I recognise that we can put their house down as their club as a basic way of doing this but we’re wondering if we can include the house crests as well somehow.



Hi Ed

Yes that is possible and quite easy to do


In the series properties you can specify where the flags come from.

So if you host your own flags then you can set them as you wish


Hi Jon,

Thanks, I suspected that might be the route.
Is there any information anywhere to help me know how to host the flags to Sailwave picks them up correctly?


In addition, can we define and use custom letters for the nationalities as well or will we need to use the existing letters but can use our own images for the flags?


Does your school have a website? If so, load the flags on to it (or perhaps they are there already)? Then use your school URL (incl the subdirectory) in that Sailwave option window.


Sailwave is a great scoring program, but to me one of the main differences compared to other systems is the ability to use HTML and Javascript to enhance the look of the results. It is very flexible.

Every four years Canada has an event called the Canada Summer Games. Just like the Olympics it is a multi-sport summer event where athletes from provinces and territories compete against each other. For 2017 I set up the Sailwave results file. Both the HTML output and Sailwave files are attached.

I’ll highlight a few items that might interest you:

  • The results link to the pictures of the athletes. The format option of the HelmPhote and CrewPhoto columns show you how they are displayed. Your imagination is the only limitation on what to display. It could be a picture of the boat, club burgee, club crest, sailor (like I did), etc.
  • The Nat column links to the provincial flags. Just check the format option and see how this was accomplished.
  • Canada is bilingual and most of the text is in both French and English. The Helname was changed to “Barreur
    Skipper”. The
    code forces the flowing text below the original text.
  • Instead of linking to the Sailor’s World Sailing ID, we linked to the sailor Summer Games information. You can review this by clicking on the sailor’s name in the attached HTML file.

(Attachment Sailwave results for Jeux d’été du Canada 2017.html is missing)
Here is the link to it: Sailwave results for Jeux d’été du Canada 2017 Winnipeg<br>Canada Summer Games at Gimli Yacht Club<CENTER><FONT SIZE=19><B>Double Handed - 29er Female</B></FONT></CENTER> 2017

Double Handed - 29er Female.blw (33.7 KB)

Thanks for the responses, really helpful and we’ve been able to make it work. @PvM4RM your use of the software is particularly interesting, thank you for sharing.