

Some upcoming developments to Sailwave will need the ODBC MySQL driver - it
can be downloaded for free here if you do not already have it installed:-

The Windows one you need is "Driver Installer EXE"

There are many very good web based event managers now, so I'm taking a
different approach and doing it all from Sailwave. Essentially you'll click
a button to say "I want a wan't a competitor interface to this event on the
web" (based on the data lodged in the series already) and it'll set it up
(once you're online) and give you a URL; that'll be it. One click. You'll
then get notifications of new competitors etc that you can again with one
click add to the series. Post news and images etc etc.

Also I want to start collecting handicap results for a collaborative and
completely painless 'recommended ratings' tool that is both RYA and USSA
friendly. Again you'll just click a button to say "add these reuslts to the
on-line rating database" and that's it. You can then click another button
to generate a return to RYA/USSA based on a selction of the data that you
specify - i.e. just your results or your region/country/all results etc...

Lots of other possibilities (for example common competitor lists) - but I
want to avoid replicating half of Sailwave in PHP/ASP etc.

There is also the possibility of a web interface to Sailwave itself (not a
rewrite of it) using the "Application Broker" available for the development
system I use: But it needs a Windoze server (the
Sailwave server is Unix at present).

By taking this approach - manipulating databases on the Sailwave server via
the MySQL ODBC driver - it means that things like this are realistic,
because the data is already in Sailwave - rather then a whole new separate
development in PHP...

Colin J


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