Hi Alastair,
The publishing system is in desperate need of a revamp...
Here's what happens at present - you publish to a 'template' and pick a
'style'. The resultant HTML is the template together with the style lines
in the header and the tables you chose to include. The tables refer to
style classes defined by the style. *But* you cannot at present control the
HTML generated by the tables.
As it stands you would write a style to approximate what you require. Could
probably get close.
Your results are very very nice. I would love to include a style like that
in the standard repetoire... named appropriately of course 
Have a go at a style and let me know the problems and we'll try and sort
them out as you go. Perhaps creep up on things iteratively.
Any new templates and styles that you create, automatically show up in the
various menus.
Have taken note of extension constraint (again). Will fix with next release
Colin Jenkins
-----Original Message-----
From: Alastair Campbell [mailto:ac@nomensa.com]
Sent: 28 April 2004 22:37
To: sailwave@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [sailwave] Editing output
I'm trying to alter the output when publishing results. I've found the
results.htm template, and that was quite straightforward to edit. I've
wrapped it in the appropriate page, even with server-side includes,
which is great.
However, I have a couple of questions someone might be able to help with?
- Where can I find the bit called by `html.resultswiz()` to edit?
- Would it be possible to let it publish results with a different file
extension? E.g. .asp or .html. It insists on .htm at the moment.
I'd like to edit the html.resultswiz for a couple of reasons, the
main one being that I will then be able to publish almost straight to
the web, rather than spending 45 minutes adjusting it. E.g. I'd like
to make it valid XHTML, with different use of CSS.
I'd be quite happy to submit the XHTML version back in a generic form
for other people to use if they like, there are also a few funky
things I could suggest using CSS that people might find useful, *if*
it is possible to edit the resultshtml.
You can see what I'm trying to get to here:
I can get it all there apart from the central results bit. With CSS, I
could set it up so that we can publish results on site that don't
include the navigation and print different fleets on different pages
(e.g. try a print preview on that page).
I hope someone can help,
Best regards,
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