Error 0 in upload to Sailwave Results

My dummy runs worked but when I attempted to upload results to Sailwave Results I got the message “Failed to upload page to Error 0”

But PvM just suggested by message that server may be down …

Jon just got back to me and the server is up. Here is the link:

Hi Warren,

No problem with the server. I’ve just checked it.

Are you using a different PC or at a different location?

Things worth checking in setup - Global options - FTP try ticking the use passive transfers

Try using the filename “test” and the root directory in case there is a problem with your filename or directory
Otherwise, it may be a Firewall issue with the PC or the location you are at.


Thanks Jon,

Same PC, but at the regatta site rather than at home. Tests were all done at home.

I am publishing paper at the moment, which is outside our COVID protocols, but needs must …

I will try to publish to the results page when I get home tonight and if It works I might score from home tomorrow.

I will try your suggests to the extent my handraulic brain allows!


Hi John,

I just got home and the results uploaded fine, so the problem is with the club. I will try using my cell phone as a hotspot tomorrow.


Hi Peter,

Got home recently (it was a day from hell, so to speak) and the file uploaded right away on my own network. So tomorrow I will try to work my cell phone as a hotspot at the club. First time for everything. :slight_smile:

Thank you for your help.


Hi John,

Published successfully from the club using a mobile Hotspot.


Hi Jon,

No problem with uploading the file this morning when I changed my ftp port to 21 from the special 10021 port number. I didn’t realise that my FTP settings affected the uploads.

Thank you.
