Error when boat has been entered in race

Version: 2.29.0
Installed: Unknown
Date: 31 January 2024
Following error message:-

Time: 15:05:56
Race: R1
Competitor: Monohull - Castle 650 PB1 Dave Darn & Jonathan - Alcazar
Result: 62:39
Monohull - Castle 650 PB1 Dave Darn & Jonathan - Alcazar is not in a start for race 1.

The result has been entered and has worked fine for 10 races. Race 11 error message.


Hi Philip,
Firstly welcome to the Sailwave User Group forum.

If you would like to send me your Sailwave file I will take a look and see if I can fins the source of the problem.

Kind regards,

Hi Phillip, You say Race 11 error message but the text above says Race:R1

From the title, it appears you have entered them into a race late in the series
So even though they were not there for R1 they will still need to be scored (DNC) so Sailwave will need to know what start they are in. Is there a start for them in R1? But I can guarantee you that it will be because they are not in a start for that race as to why I can’t say without seeing your file but it could be just a spelling error on the fleet name or whatever you are using to define the starts. I see Huw has offer to examine your file for you if you can’t see the reason.

To close the loop on the original question.

I was sent the Sailwave by Phillip and it was as Jon said a problem with which competitors were included in the start for R1. For an unknown reason R1 only included the Flying Fifteen class where as all other races included all competitors.

PS - don’t forget to update to the latest version of Sailwave v2-33-0 available for download from the Beta downloads page - Download Beta Versions | Sailwave

Kind regards,

Hi Phillip,

I sent you several emails yesterday, one of which I had to try sending three different ways due to email issues reported by Gmail. I am just wondering now if you received any of them.

Kind regards,

Hi Huw

Thank you very much for all of the information. I rec’d the emails through my gmail account directly.

I will have time over the weekend to go through the information and load your mono hull file onto my computer.

I will let you know how successful I am setting up the Cat fleet to mirror the mono fleet.

Thanks again a huge help.


Hi Phillip,
Thank you for letting me know the emails arrived. Look forward to hearing what you think.

Kind regards,