Excluding races from the calculations, but still listing them.

For the 29er World Championships, a boat’s regatta score will be the total of her race scores from her final-series races plus points equal to her qualifying-series rank. To accomplish this we’ll be creating a race containing the boat’s rank points and flag that this race is not discardable.

However, it would be nice if we could list all the qualifying race results. A flag like “don’t include this race” would be nice.

Is there another solution to list the qualifying race results? I could export the data and import the qualifying results in different fields such as “NavigatorNotes” , etc.



Hi Peter,

There is an alternative way, and I think better way, of setting-up

the F-series.

When you 'import' the competitors from the Q-series using the *      File

menu | Merge in another Sailwave series* the second option '* Merge/match
competitors and create a new race using the series ranks from the
merged series* ', there are two check boxes if you leave the
first 'Use series points instead of series ranks ’ blank and
put a tick in the second box you will have the rank points set
against the competitor and they will be added to the Net Points when
series is scored.

At the regattas I have been involved with for classes like 29er

which are frequently having 15-18 races scheduled during a regatta,
it has been the process to publish/print when a Q-series and
F-series separately; especially if printing on A4 paper. What a
pleasure it was at the Sail for Gold Regatta to have an A3 printer
with A3 paper available.

It may be possible for you to have one Sailwave file covering all

races, i.e. Q-series & F-series. It depends on the SI’s with
regard to scoring and excluded scores/discards. Having looked at
the NoR the discards/excluded scores are applied separately to the
Q-series & F-series. The latest versions of Sailwave allow and
overall discard profile to be set and a F-series discard profile,
which works with the overall discard profile and can have set
maximum & minimum number discards to come from F-series.

Hope this helps. Quite a simple regatta to score after the recent

49er Europeans.

Kind regards,

On 18/07/2014 02:29, Peter van Muyden
[sailwave] wrote:


          For the 29er World Championships, a boat’s

regatta score will be the total of her race scores from
her final-series races plus points equal to her
qualifying-series rank. To accomplish this we’ll be
creating a race containing the boat’s rank points and flag
that this race is not discardable.

            However, it would be nice if we could list all the

qualifying race results. A flag like “don’t include
this race” would be nice.

            Is there another solution to list the qualifying race

results? I could export the data and import the
qualifying results in different fields such as
“NavigatorNotes” , etc.



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Hi Peter,

Whilst out walking the dog, I realised that having read the NoR that

it is necessary to have a Q-series Sailwave file and an F-series
Sailwave file. If the NoR had been worded so that the Net Q-series
points were to be taken forward then it would be possible to score
the regatta in one Sailwave file.

Kind regards,

On 18/07/2014 08:50, Huw Pearce
[sailwave] wrote:


Hi Peter,

          There is an alternative way, and I think better way, of

setting-up the F-series.

          When you 'import' the competitors from the Q-series using

the File menu | Merge in another Sailwave series
the second option '* Merge/match competitors and create a
new race using the series ranks from the merged series* ',
there are two check boxes if you leave the first '* Use
series points instead of series ranks* ’ blank and put
a tick in the second box you will have the rank points set
against the competitor and they will be added to the Net
Points when series is scored.

          At the regattas I have been involved with for classes like

29er which are frequently having 15-18 races scheduled
during a regatta, it has been the process to publish/print
when a Q-series and F-series separately; especially if
printing on A4 paper. What a pleasure it was at the Sail
for Gold Regatta to have an A3 printer with A3 paper

          It may be possible for you to have one Sailwave file

covering all races, i.e. Q-series & F-series. It
depends on the SI’s with regard to scoring and excluded
scores/discards. Having looked at the NoR the
discards/excluded scores are applied separately to the
Q-series & F-series. The latest versions of Sailwave
allow and overall discard profile to be set and a F-series
discard profile, which works with the overall discard
profile and can have set maximum & minimum number
discards to come from F-series.

          Hope this helps. Quite a simple regatta to score after the

recent 49er Europeans.

          Kind regards,

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This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus protection is active.

          On 18/07/2014 02:29, Peter van

Muyden [sailwave] wrote:


              For the 29er World Championships, a

boat’s regatta score will be the total of her race
scores from her final-series races plus points equal
to her qualifying-series rank. To accomplish this
we’ll be creating a race containing the boat’s rank
points and flag that this race is not discardable.

                However, it would be nice if we could list all

the qualifying race results. A flag like “don’t
include this race” would be nice.

                Is there another solution to list the qualifying

race results? I could export the data and import
the qualifying results in different fields such as
“NavigatorNotes” , etc.



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This email is free from viruses and malware
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