Export Competitors into CSV

Hi the site says

"Sailwave can import data from and export data to CSV files. CSV ", however I can only find Json & XML exports. CSV will be easier for what I want to do.

There may be another way though, so open to suggestions

This is what I am doing, as each club series complete, I create the next series using the previous, that way I get all the competitors that previously competed, I clear their results and mark all unsailed competitors as excluded.

This way, I build up a list of competitors and the RO isn’t entering details just results.

The issue come now as PY changes into the next series, and the PY is stored in the competitor line and with 150 odd competitors across a series I don’t fancy manually changing each line (hence the idea to export to CSV, global replace and re-import)

Any ideas?


Hi Alan,

Do you use a rating file or have you manually entered the ratings

for each competitor?

If you use a rating file you could for race 1 of the new series auto

update the ratings and then switch the flag off so the ratings are
not auto updated for subsequent races.

To allow Sailwave to auto update ratings click "*Scoring system*    "

on the toolbar and then select the "Rating system " tab. Once
in the Rating system tab look down towards the bottom left
hand corner of the window and find the text "* Auto set competitor
ratings* ", check the box and then OK out of the window. Now
when you have entered the results for the first race the and score
the series the ratings will be updated. Once the first race has been
scored you can then go back in and un-check the option and Sailwave
will now longer auto updat the ratings.

Kind regards,

On 31/03/2016 18:15, [sailwave] wrote:


Hi the site says

" Sailwave
can import data from and export data to CSV files. CSV ",
however I can only find Json & XML exports. CSV
will be easier for what I want to do.


may be another way though, so open to suggestions

            This is

what I am doing, as each club series complete, I create
the next series using the previous, that way I get all
the competitors that previously competed, I clear their
results and mark all unsailed competitors as excluded.


way, I build up a list of competitors and the RO isn’t
entering details just results.


issue come now as PY changes into the next series, and
the PY is stored in the competitor line and with 150 odd
competitors across a series I don’t fancy manually
changing each line (hence t he idea to export to CSV,
global replace and re-import)



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Can I just keep auto update from ratings turned on all teh time, is there any disadvantage?

I do have a rating file, but couldn’t really see the point except if a new boat turned up, but obviously I didn’t know about auto update.

OK That didn’t work for me.

Downloaded the rating file

Added into Global Settings teh rating file directory

Set scoring system / RYA PN / auto set …

Score series

Cleared the PY field to blank - that is it?

Seems that rating file is not recognised - anyway to trouble shoot?

Hi Alan,

Yes you can leave auto update on.

I suggest that you do not change the rating file during the series


Kind regards,

On 31/03/2016 19:08, [sailwave] wrote:



        Can I just keep auto update from ratings turned on all teh

time, is there any disadvantage?

          I do have a rating file, but couldn't really see the

point except if a new boat turned up, but obviously I
didn’t know about auto update.

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I’m getting very inconsistent results testing

first time , it cleared all teh PY’s and never reallocatted.

Then I tried a series from scratch rather than copy - save as clear results

That partially worked EXCEPT random competitors did not get assigned PY’s in the same class e.g Laser / Laser even when I added a resultm they got nothing auto assigned.

Very in consistent, wish it was as simple as you said.

Just to confirm (using latest version . on Windows 10) that auto set competitor isn’t working for me.

OK after extensive test I can get this scenario to work - basically the PY field need to be completely clear across all competitors to work aith auto assign.

To do this the only way I can achieve this is import competitor via CSV, as import form sailwave brings in PY or cloning and deleting seems to leave a residual trace of the PY.

So back to my original question - how can I export competitor to a CSV?

FYI I now have a method to convert the XML extract into a competitor spreadsheet which I can use. If anyone is interested in the method, please ask.

Hi Alan,

There is an option to export to the Windows clipboard. From there you can paste it in Excel or Notepad to create a CSV file.



On Mar 31, 2016 1:34 PM, “alan@sailfun.co.uk [sailwave]” sailwave@yahoogroups.com wrote:

Just to confirm (using latest version . on Windows 10) that auto set competitor isn’t working for me.

Hi Alan,

You do not need to export to spreadsheet to clear the rating

information. You can use Tools | Set competitor field facility.

Kind regards,

On 31/03/2016 20:39, [sailwave] wrote:


          OK after extensive test I can get this scenario to work -

basically the PY field need to be completely clear across
all competitors to work aith auto assign.

          To do this the only way I can achieve this is import

competitor via CSV, as import form sailwave brings in PY
or cloning and deleting seems to leave a residual trace of
the PY.

          So back to my original question - how can I export

competitor to a CSV?

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OK Thanks, noted to try that next time, but for now exporting to XML -> convert to CSV -> Import menas I now have managed to set up the summer series.

I did get one strange one in terms of I added a custom PY to the rating file ( ENTERPRISE SH ) yet it failed to load that, despite to me the name etc looked exactly the same, but I just dealt with it manually as I couldn’t see what was wrong with the rating entry

Hi Alan,

I will check auto update and see if I get same problems as you.

Re your addition to the rating file for ENTERPRISE SH, how did you

do it? Excel or Notepad to edit the entry. If Excel, I have found
that sometimes Microsoft tries to be to clever and also it can also
depend on which of the CSV options you choose. If you would like me
to take a look at your rating file just send it over.

Kind regards,

On 31/03/16 22:52, [sailwave] wrote:


          OK Thanks, noted to try that next time, but for now

exporting to XML -> convert to CSV -> Import menas I
now have managed to set up the summer series.

          I did get one strange one in terms of I added a custom

PY to the rating file ( ENTERPRISE SH ) yet it failed to
load that, despite to me the name etc looked exactly the
same, but I just dealt with it manually as I couldn’t see
what was wrong with the rating entry

Hi Alan,

Without knowing exactly what you want to do, I can’t advise the best solution but, one thing you should consider is:

File - Export series summary to Window Clipboard

Then Paste the clipboard into an empty Excel spreadsheet and save as a csv. May be you wanted it as a csv to import into Excel??

Inline images 1



On 31 March 2016 at 18:15, alan@sailfun.co.uk [sailwave] sailwave@yahoogroups.com wrote:

Hi the site says

"Sailwave can import data from and export data to CSV files. CSV ", however I can only find Json & XML exports. CSV will be easier for what I want to do.

There may be another way though, so open to suggestions

This is what I am doing, as each club series complete, I create the next series using the previous, that way I get all the competitors that previously competed, I clear their results and mark all unsailed competitors as excluded.

This way, I build up a list of competitors and the RO isn’t entering details just results.

The issue come now as PY changes into the next series, and the PY is stored in the competitor line and with 150 odd competitors across a series I don’t fancy manually changing each line (hence the idea to export to CSV, global replace and re-import)

Any ideas?

Jon Eskdale
07530 112233

Skype “eskdale”

Hi Jon,

As mentioned, I’m trying to create series from prior series keeping the competitor list, which is easy enough (just save-as, and clear the results and set non sailed to excluded, change the title etc) until the PY ratings change where the trouble for me started, hence the idea to export to CSV and re-import.

It never dawned on me that ‘Export to Windows Clipboard’ was the method to create an export CSV, I never even looked at it, mainly because 99% of apps that I have come across the ‘Export to Clipboard’ is very basic - but more importantly its mentions the word ‘Windows’ which sets off a physical reaction in my body and starts to make me feel sick. Now if it said ‘Export Data’ I might have has a peek :slight_smile:

That said, I think some of my issues are related to some incompatibility of the rating file CSV I tried to create causing some entries to fail.


Libre Office - Export to CSV with default setting.

It was only the Ent S/h, but checking it I can see my mistake which was a typo - just was getting tired

Hi Alan,

You could use the export and reimport I’m sure that would work but if its only the PY you want to change.

Inline images 1

Why not import them from a ratings file - just make sure you set the option “Auto set competitor ratings” and when you score they will all be updated



On 1 April 2016 at 09:09, alan@sailfun.co.uk [sailwave] sailwave@yahoogroups.com wrote:

Hi Jon,

As mentioned, I’m trying to create series from prior series keeping the competitor list, which is easy enough (just save-as, and clear the results and set non sailed to excluded, change the title etc) until the PY ratings change where the trouble for me started, hence the idea to export to CSV and re-import.

It never dawned on me that ‘Export to Windows Clipboard’ was the method to create an export CSV, I never even looked at it, mainly because 99% of apps that I have come across the ‘Export to Clipboard’ is very basic - but more importantly its mentions the word ‘Windows’ which sets off a physical reaction in my body and starts to make me feel sick. Now if it said ‘Export Data’ I might have has a peek :slight_smile:

That said, I think some of my issues are related to some incompatibility of the rating file CSV I tried to create causing some entries to fail.


Jon Eskdale
07530 112233

Skype “eskdale”

Hi Alan,

Thanks for letting me know you discovered the problem with your

rating CSV file.

I also use LibreOffice for manipulating data prior to import into

Sailwave from CSV as I have found that LibreOffice does not try to
second guess what I want to do. Also if importing dates in
competitor Age field it is easy to get dates into YYY-MM-DD format
in LibreOffice [Excel is stubborn in my experience and uses the
default language format, which for UK is DD-MM-YYYY], so if need to
sort on the column in Sailwave it does it in correct order.

Kind regards,

On 01/04/2016 09:14, [sailwave] wrote:


Libre Office - Export to CSV with default setting.

          It was only the Ent S/h,, but checking it I can see my

mistake which was a typo - just was getting tired

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