Exporting Times to Excel

I have a set of SW results for a General Handicap & need to export the times to Excel for a local
handicapping system

Times have been entered into SW in the format of 49.26 (ie 49 mins & 26 secs)
The exported data (via publishing to Excel) appears in Excel as 49.26 but I am unable to convert
this into a time which Excel can recognise as 49 mins & 26 secs

Would appreciate any advice please


If you
want to show the time in minutes then enter the following formula in the cell
in which you wish to display the answer:

=INT(X5) + MOD(X5,1)/0.6

Where, as
an example, X5 is the cell into which you have exported the 49.26 from Excel. This gives an answer of 49.4333 minutes.

Excel treats
all dates/times as though they are days (counted from 31 Dec 1899). So the most flexible method is to
always work in days and divide the above formula by 1440 (this being the number
of minutes in a day), giving an answer of 0.034329.

(This is particularly
convenient if the race spans more than one day)

Is this
what you needed to know?




-----Original Message-----
From: sailwave@yahoogroups.com
[mailto:sailwave@yahoogroups.com]On Behalf OfRalph Tingle
Sent: 21 October 2005 16:12
To: Sailwave
Cc: Mike Pickles
Subject: [sailwave] Exporting
Times to Excel

I have a set of SW results for a General Handicap & need to export the times to Excel for a local

handicapping system

Times have been entered into SW in the format of 49.26 (ie 49 mins & 26 secs)

The exported data (via publishing to Excel) appears in Excel as 49.26 but I am unable to convert

this into a time which Excel can recognise as 49 mins & 26 secs

Would appreciate any advice please




I’m not sure about this at all, but you do have to format the coloumn in excel to a time format. I found a format (mm:ss,0), wich should give you minutes and seconds. You might have to make a conversion to change your original time format…

Good luck!



----- Original Message -----

Ralph Tingle

To: Sailwave

Cc: Mike Pickles

Sent: Friday, October 21, 2005 5:12 PM

Subject: [sailwave] Exporting Times to Excel

` I have a set of SW results for a General Handicap & need to export the times to Excel for a local
handicapping system

Times have been entered into SW in the format of 49.26 (ie 49 mins & 26 secs)
The exported data (via publishing to Excel) appears in Excel as 49.26 but I am unable to convert
this into a time which Excel can recognise as 49 mins & 26 secs

Would appreciate any advice please



Thanks Everyone

Tom Smith sent me a spreadsheet direct which does the job perfectly

I have attached it for others, but not sure if SUG is still open to attachments

If not will send to Colin to put on web site




-----Original Message-----
From: sailwave@yahoogroups.com [mailto:sailwave@yahoogroups.com]On Behalf Of Geoff Burrell
Sent: 21 October 2005 17:49
Subject: RE: [sailwave] Exporting Times to Excel

If you want to show the time in minutes then enter the following formula in the cell in which you wish to display the answer:
=INT(X5) + MOD(X5,1)/0.6

Where, as an example, X5 is the cell into which you have exported the 49.26 from Excel. This gives an answer of 49.4333 minutes.

Excel treats all dates/times as though they are days (counted from 31 Dec 1899). So the most flexible method is to always work in days and divide the above formula by 1440 (this being the number of minutes in a day), giving an answer of 0.034329.

(This is particularly convenient if the race spans more than one day)

Is this what you needed to know?



-----Original Message-----
sailwave@yahoogroups.com [mailto:sailwave@yahoogroups.com]On Behalf Of Ralph Tingle
Sent: 21 October 2005 16:12
To: Sailwave
Cc: Mike Pickles
Subject: [sailwave] Exporting Times to Excel

I have a set of SW results for a General Handicap & need to export the times to Excel for a local
handicapping system

Times have been entered into SW in the format of 49.26 (ie 49 mins & 26 secs)
The exported data (via publishing to Excel) appears in Excel as 49.26 but I am unable to convert
this into a time which Excel can recognise as 49 mins & 26 secs

Would appreciate any advice please
