Flight Scoring

Has anyone had experience with scoring flights in an elimination series
using Sailwave. In the situation in question we will have five flights which
will sail against each other once. Each race one flight will get a bye.

Race 1 A vs B C vs D E bye
Race 2 A vs C B vs E D bye
Race 3 etc
Race 4
Race 5

In each race you will have two first places, two seconds etc, plus you will
have boats which have a bye.

I can create a scoring code "BYE" which has 0 points to handle the races
that a boat doesn't compete in. The problem that I am having is that when
Sailwave finds two first places it moves the second places to third place.
Any ideas on how to handle....


Mark Townsend

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Hi Mark,

The problem is that tie breaking is getting n the way. I'll add a third
option to the tie breaking options to be none/flights - that way you can
have as many 1sts, 2nds etc in a race as you like. Will include in the
release that *will* be available on Sunday 28th March.

PS: obviously this will not do the app KE flight rotations which you will
still have to do by hand with the BYE method. If you want an integrated
solution I think Ed does the rotations as well in Racesail.



-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Townsend [mailto:s_mark_townsend@hotmail.com]
Sent: 24 March 2004 02:27
To: sailwave@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [sailwave] Flight Scoring

Has anyone had experience with scoring flights in an elimination series
using Sailwave. In the situation in question we will have five flights which
will sail against each other once. Each race one flight will get a bye.

Race 1 A vs B C vs D E bye
Race 2 A vs C B vs E D bye
Race 3 etc
Race 4
Race 5

In each race you will have two first places, two seconds etc, plus you will
have boats which have a bye.

I can create a scoring code "BYE" which has 0 points to handle the races
that a boat doesn't compete in. The problem that I am having is that when
Sailwave finds two first places it moves the second places to third place.
Any ideas on how to handle....


Mark Townsend

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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