There appears to be an issue with the format of correct times when using SCHRS with Sailwave version 2.5.2.
For a short race of less than 30 minutes Sailwave displays a corrected time similar to:
1:3:10:26 - 1 day, 3 hours, 10 minutes and 26 seconds?
I'm guessing this might be because SCHRS ratings are to 3 decimal places? Has anyone else experienced similar issues
Hi thanks for the response
It would appear that the issue is with how I had entered some of the ratings
I had entered ratings as .966 rather than 0.966. Including the leading 0 sorts the issue
Thank anyway
--- In sailwave@yahoogroups.com, "oztayls" <oztayls@...> wrote:
--- In sailwave@yahoogroups.com, "awhjarvis@" <awhjarvis@> wrote:
> Hi
> There appears to be an issue with the format of correct times when using SCHRS with Sailwave version 2.5.2.
> For a short race of less than 30 minutes Sailwave displays a corrected time similar to:
> 1:3:10:26 - 1 day, 3 hours, 10 minutes and 26 seconds?
> I'm guessing this might be because SCHRS ratings are to 3 decimal places? Has anyone else experienced similar issues
>Are you using the correct digit yardstick numbers? I use the 4 digit Portsmouth Yardstick numbers and have no issues.