The result of the Dutch could also be a RDG, for boat B or boat C.
A 19th place given to one of these boats should not affect the points of the others.
----- Original Message -----
Colin Jenkins
Sent: Friday, October 06, 2006 3:35 PM
Subject: [sailwave] Race ties
When I was testing the new medal race facilities, I used the Laser Radial
Holland Regatta data from here:-
Essentially in the last race the top 10 have a medal race (x2,
non-discardabl; e and series ties broken on M) and everybody elase has a
normal race with normal tie-breaking.
And got different results:-
The differences are because of race 4. There is tie for 19th place.
Holland have scored it like this:-
BoatA 18th 18.0
BoatB 19th 19.0
BoatC 19th 19.0
BoatD 20th 20.0
BoatE 21th 21.0
And Sailwave has done:-
BoatA 18th 18.0
BoatB 19th 19.5
BoatC 19th 19.5
BoatD 21th 21.0
BoatE 22th 22.0
I could understand:-
BoatA 18th 18.0
BoatB 19th 19.0
BoatC 19th 19.0
BoatD 21th 21.0
BoatE 22th 22.0
But surely the Holland variation is not Appendix A; Boat D is the 21st boat
to finish, yet is getting points for 20th place…??? Bug or variant I need
to handle…?
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In case there is a RDG, it is not marked on the result list. If you mark one as a RDG with 19 pts. in sailwave, it will calculate as the Holland.
If 2 boats finishes equal as 19, Holland is wrong and SW correctly says 19.5 pts.
The third possability is that something is wrong in either registration or calvulations at the Holland site…
Anyway, SW is correct and Colin don’t have to worry!!
----- Original Message -----
Philippe DE TROY
Sent: Saturday, October 07, 2006 3:21 PM
Subject: Fw: [sailwave] Race ties
The result of the Dutch could also be a RDG, for boat B or boat C.
A 19th place given to one of these boats should not affect the points of the others.
----- Original Message -----
From: Colin Jenkins
Sent: Friday, October 06, 2006 3:35 PM
Subject: [sailwave] Race ties
When I was testing the new medal race facilities, I used the Laser Radial
Holland Regatta data from here:-
Essentially in the last race the top 10 have a medal race (x2,
non-discardabl; e and series ties broken on M) and everybody elase has a
normal race with normal tie-breaking.
And got different results:-
The differences are because of race 4. There is tie for 19th place.
Holland have scored it like this:-
BoatA 18th 18.0
BoatB 19th 19.0
BoatC 19th 19.0
BoatD 20th 20.0
BoatE 21th 21.0
And Sailwave has done:-
BoatA 18th 18.0
BoatB 19th 19.5
BoatC 19th 19.5
BoatD 21th 21.0
BoatE 22th 22.0
I could understand:-
BoatA 18th 18.0
BoatB 19th 19.0
BoatC 19th 19.0
BoatD 21th 21.0
BoatE 22th 22.0
But surely the Holland variation is not Appendix A; Boat D is the 21st boat
to finish, yet is getting points for 20th place...??? Bug or variant I need
to handle...?
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