I'm having difficulty getting the graphics for the last event I scored with Sailwave to display the burgees on any computer other than my own. I e-mailed a friend a copy of the final results and the graphics just show up as a red 'x' on their machine. Do I have to somehow embed the graphic file into the Sailwave before I upload it or e-mail it?? Any suggestions would be appreciated.
How do I get the event and venue burgee to display on reports on the web site?
For anyone who has trouble with displaying a logo on the website when publishing Sailwave results, whether on your website or on your own machine when previewing results.
In the c:\Program Files\Sailwave directory, (or wherever you have chosen to install your version of Sailwave), as this is where Sailwave looks if you choose Publish to default internet browser from the Publish+Results option.
Edit+EditSeriesProperties from the menu bar, then, for both Event burgee and Venue burgee, enter your desired logo filename with no associated path, e.g. abycburgee.bmp, as opposed to say c:\data files\Yacht Club\Results\abycburgee.gif. Ensure that there is a copy of this logo file: stored in the website directory where the results are picked up from. This will ensure that your logo is displayed when viewing results via the Internet.
Subject: [sailwave] Getting graphics (burgees) to show up on the web
Hi All,
I’m having difficulty getting the graphics for the last event I scored with Sailwave to display the burgees on any computer other than my own. I e-mailed a friend a copy of the final results and the graphics just show up as a red ‘x’ on their machine. Do I have to somehow embed the graphic file into the Sailwave before I upload it or e-mail it?? Any suggestions would be appreciated.