Help with scoring system

I am scoring for a yacht club that has 7 fleets each with two series.
(All fleet sail in seperate races.) If I create one scoring system for
one series is there a way to use that system on other series without re-
entering all of the custom information?

You can either just save the first file with another name (or actually two different filenames), after entering (or importing) all custom information. Then you have two files, one for each series…

Or, you can import competitors from the firs series to the other by using the import command…

Hope I’m close to what you’re asking for…




----- Original Message -----



Sent: Wednesday, May 31, 2006 10:17 PM

Subject: [sailwave] Help with scoring system

I am scoring for a yacht club that has 7 fleets each with two series.
(All fleet sail in seperate races.) If I create one scoring system for
one series is there a way to use that system on other series without re-
entering all of the custom information?