High point series that counts one huge national event?

HI guys… The regional cat fleet has a high point series of their own quirky design. (It dates from the pre computer era). One proposal is to replace it with something like Chips or Rinderlee implemented in sailwave. My question is… They have 50 individual teams competing regionally over the season in 10 to 20 boat fleets…(no problems) AND they want to count their NA result towards their score (They allow points from one out of region event to count) My question is… how would you include their out of region/North American results without entering all of the competitors and scores from the NAs. Basically is their some way to designate a result like 5 th out of 62 boats… 12 out of 62 boats 40th out of 62 boats in this high point series?

Importing the NA results and then setting the number of events to qualify is a PIA solution.
