Highlight Wins 3v3 issue

I seem to have a strange issue that the subject effect is not highlighting 3rd place in a couple of races.

please look at https://glandoreyc.com/racingresults/2019/sqslate.htm

This is a league event that has a first past the post and a Handicap Aliased fleet. please note that the boat sail number 571 in the first 2 races is 3rd with a time posted and yet the highlight is not evident.

Does this have something to do with the fact that boat sail number 580 is on Race Officer duty and gets average points for races except DNC, and is configured for …Do not change other boats scores?



Hi John

If you look at the results you can see that Sailwave has determined that the person ranked third is the RO which is why it is not highlighted





Jon Eskdale

03333 443377

07530 112233


Thank You, so as the RO is 3rd he still does not get highlighted because he did not actually Race? is that correct?

In this circumstance changing the Scoring config to allow other boats scores to change makes no difference either is that correct?

Thank You


Hi John,

It does not highlight the RO as third because you have modified the HighlightWins3v3 to tell it not to highlight ROD

You have modified the codes that are not highlighted from the standard version and added ROD

see below which is from the source code of your page

// Results with these codes will not get highlighted add or remove codes to your choice
var ignoreText = /^(?!.\b(DNC|ROD|OAOC|IGN|DNF|DNS|OCS|BFD|UFD|RET|DSQ|DGM|DNE)\b)./i

// Edit these colours to change the highlight colours for 1st, 2nd and 3rd
var winsColour = ‘#3cb371’;
var twoColour = ‘#6a91c5’;
var threeColour = ‘#da6841’;




Jon Eskdale

03333 443377

07530 112233


Completely forgot about that option within the Effects code.

Little Grey cells are getting tired

