Highlightwins3 Problem

Hi folks,

I’m using highlightwins3. For some reason, it’s working properly on the first race, but not on the next one.

Anyone have any ideas?




Hi Andy,
When you say it’s not working could you explain what is wrong please. Your example looks OK to me



Jon Eskdale

03333 443377

07530 112233

I had two races in, and it was showing 123 on the first race, but not on the second. Now, with three races, it all works again.

Who knows? Anyway, it seems to be working now.


Hi Andy,

When I looked originally it had 2 races in it and was working for me


I can see you now have 3 races and that is also working when I view it.

Let me know if you experience any problems but I’ve found it reliable in the past.


Jon Eskdale

03333 443377

07530 112233

Thanks. Peter Van Muden also sent me a copy of what he was seeing, and it was also working for him. I was viewing it on my Linux machine in both Chrome and Firefox - when two races were entered, the second race didn’t show the highlighing. After the third race, all was fine.

At the risk of changing the subject, I have another challenge with this class that I’m not sure I can fix. I originally was doing an alias for each member of overall fleet that was Corinthian, and scoring them as a separate division, They then told me that their SIs required that the Corinthian competitors must have the same points as they were scored in the Overall fleet. Apparently they still want to have them shown separately if possible.

I punted, just adding another column for the Corinthian competitors in the Overall fleet, so they could see where they were, and I’ll just do a prize table for them later on. I don’t see any way to display a separate group that is a subset of the original fleet, but retain the points from the original fleet.

Here are the appropriate lines from the J70 International Class Rules:

Regatta organizers will present awards for a Corinthian division. To be considered as a
Corinthian team, Class Rule C.3 is modified so the entire crew, including the
owner/driver, shall provide proof of a valid World Sailing Group 1 classification at the
time of registration. The Corinthian division shall be scored as a sub-division of the
whole fleet using the competitor’s actual scores.”

For now, I’m just using a Prize Table.


Hi Andy,

I think that the prize table is your best option. One other way is to:

  1. Make a copy of the sailwave file
  2. re-score it
  3. With the “Set Competitor Field” tool set the exclude field to “1” for all non Corinthian competitors
  4. Use the “Delete competitors” tool and use the “Excluded competitors” option
  5. Publish the results without re-scoring
    It’s a bit ugly and it doesn’t change the boats’ rank.




On Fri, May 3, 2019 at 7:41 AM andy@sailor.nu [sailwave] sailwave@yahoogroups.com wrote:

Thanks. Peter Van Muden also sent me a copy of what he was seeing, and it was also working for him. I was viewing it on my Linux machine in both Chrome and Firefox - when two races were entered, the second race didn’t show the highlighing. After the third race, all was fine.

At the risk of changing the subject, I have another challenge with this class that I’m not sure I can fix. I originally was doing an alias for each member of overall fleet that was Corinthian, and scoring them as a separate division, They then told me that their SIs required that the Corinthian competitors must have the same points as they were scored in the Overall fleet. Apparently they still want to have them shown separately if possible.

I punted, just adding another column for the Corinthian competitors in the Overall fleet, so they could see where they were, and I’ll just do a prize table for them later on. I don’t see any way to display a separate group that is a subset of the original fleet, but retain the points from the original fleet.

Here are the appropriate lines from the J70 International Class Rules:

Regatta organizers will present awards for a Corinthian division. To be considered as a
Corinthian team, Class Rule C.3 is modified so the entire crew, including the
owner/driver, shall provide proof of a valid World Sailing Group 1 classification at the
time of registration. The Corinthian division shall be scored as a sub-division of the
whole fleet using the competitor’s actual scores.”

For now, I’m just using a Prize Table.


Thanks Peter,

I wish there was a better way! I’d like to be able to do it like they do on Yacht Scoring:



I think I have worked out how to do what you would like :slight_smile:

  I have just had a little play with one of my files 29er regatta,

which has the ‘sub-groups’ tagged [Boys, Girls, Mixed] using the
Division column in my case. They were all scored as one group
using the first option in the scoring window but I clicked the '* Sort
results by field after scoring* ’ and the individual races
results are not changed therefore the total & net points are
not changed. Then when I go to publish I have the sub-groups
offered, so I chose only Girls and I just get a page of the girls
results but maintaining the points they scored as part of the
overall scoring.

  Let me know if this works for you if you understand what I have

written, or send me your file and I will see if what I have tried
to say above works on your file.

Kind regards,



On 03/05/2019 14:41, [sailwave] wrote:


          Thanks. Peter Van Muden also sent me a copy of what he

was seeing, and it was also working for him. I was viewing
it on my Linux machine in both Chrome and Firefox - when
two races were entered, the second race didn’t show the
highlighing. After the third race, all was fine.

          At the risk of changing the subject, I have another

challenge with this class that I’m not sure I can fix. I
originally was doing an alias for each member of overall
fleet that was Corinthian, and scoring them as a separate
division, They then told me that their SIs required that
the Corinthian competitors must have the same points as
they were scored in the Overall fleet. Apparently they
still want to have them shown separately if possible.

          I punted, just adding another column for the Corinthian

competitors in the Overall fleet, so they could see where
they were, and I’ll just do a prize table for them later
on. I don’t see any way to display a separate group that
is a subset of the original fleet, but retain the points
from the original fleet.

          Here are the appropriate lines from the J70

International Class Rules:

Regatta organizers will present awards for a Corinthian
division. To be considered as a
Corinthian team, Class Rule C.3 is modified so the
entire crew, including the
owner/driver, shall provide proof of a valid World
Sailing Group 1 classification at the
time of registration. The Corinthian division shall be
scored as a sub-division of the
whole fleet using the competitor’s actual scores."

For now, I’m just using a Prize Table.


Virus-free. www.avast.com


See these links:

  • All competitors -
  • Girls only -
    Kind regards,



On 04/05/2019 14:08, Huw Pearce
[sailwave] wrote:



          I think I have worked out how to do what you would like


          I have just had a little play with one of my files 29er

regatta, which has the ‘sub-groups’ tagged [Boys, Girls,
Mixed] using the Division column in my case. They were all
scored as one group using the first option in the scoring
window but I clicked the '* Sort results by field after
scoring* ’ and the individual races results are not
changed therefore the total & net points are not
changed. Then when I go to publish I have the sub-groups
offered, so I chose only Girls and I just get a page of
the girls results but maintaining the points they scored
as part of the overall scoring.

          Let me know if this works for you if you understand what

I have written, or send me your file and I will see if
what I have tried to say above works on your file.

Kind regards,


          On 03/05/2019 14:41, [sailwave] wrote:


              Thanks. Peter Van Muden also sent me a copy of what

he was seeing, and it was also working for him. I was
viewing it on my Linux machine in both Chrome and
Firefox - when two races were entered, the second race
didn’t show the highlighing. After the third race, all
was fine.

              At the risk of changing the subject, I have another

challenge with this class that I’m not sure I can fix.
I originally was doing an alias for each member of
overall fleet that was Corinthian, and scoring them as
a separate division, They then told me that their SIs
required that the Corinthian competitors must have the
same points as they were scored in the Overall fleet.
Apparently they still want to have them shown
separately if possible.

              I punted, just adding another column for the

Corinthian competitors in the Overall fleet, so they
could see where they were, and I’ll just do a prize
table for them later on. I don’t see any way to
display a separate group that is a subset of the
original fleet, but retain the points from the
original fleet.

              Here are the appropriate lines from the J70

International Class Rules:

DIVISION Regatta organizers will present awards for
a Corinthian division. To be considered as a
Corinthian team, Class Rule C.3 is modified so the
entire crew, including the owner/driver, shall
provide proof of a valid World Sailing Group 1
classification at the time of registration. The
Corinthian division shall be scored as a
sub-division of the whole fleet using the
competitor’s actual scores."

For now, I’m just using a Prize Table.



Thanks Huw, that’s very helpful. It will do what they want in terms of listing just the Corinthians with their original points.

In a perfect world, I’d be able to do this as one publish - right now I’m able to score the event and publish before the prep flag goes down for the next race. This might take a little longer, and require that I publish two files. Not horrible, just a little more fiddly and time consuming.

Hummm, I wonder if this will work… Somewhat kludgy, but it might do what I need to do. Publish notes, and in the notes put in an HTML

Got to head off to the committee boat now, but it might be interesting to play with this later on.

I very much appreciate you looking at this.


Hi Andy,

Look forward to hearing from you when you have the time.

Kind regards,



On 04/05/2019 15:28, [sailwave] wrote:


          Thanks Huw, that's very helpful. It will do what they

want in terms of listing just the Corinthians with their
original points.

          In a perfect world, I'd be able to do this as one

publish - right now I’m able to score the event and
publish before the prep flag goes down for the next race.
This might take a little longer, and require that I
publish two files. Not horrible, just a little more fiddly
and time consuming.

          Hummm, I wonder if this will work... Somewhat kludgy,

but it might do what I need to do. Publish notes, and in
the notes put in an HTML

          Got to head off to the committee boat now, but it might

be interesting to play with this later on.

I very much appreciate you looking at this.


Virus-free. www.avast.com

Yep, works!


Muchas gracias amigo!



Dim problem - the wonders of not being able to sleep.

  FYI - the version of Sailwave ]v2-24-0] you are using is not

compliant with the 2017-2020 RRS Appendix A!

Kind regards,



On 04/05/2019 15:51, [sailwave] wrote:


Yep, works!


Muchas gracias amigo!


Virus-free. www.avast.com


This is a natural for Opti scoring as well. Same deal: blue, red, white and sometimes green fleets. They like to score them overall, but prize giving and other requirements need them separated by fleet.

Excellent tip!



John R Culter
Vancouver Canada
604 742-8832 or 604 908-3118 mobile

Thanks!! I’ll change it now.


Full results had v2-28-1 but Corinthian had v2-24-0

Kind regards,



On 04/05/2019 18:13, [sail wave] wrote:


Thanks!! I’ll change it now.

Virus-free. www.avast.com

Yes! We do a lot of Opti events here. Normally, we just publish overall and depend on the Prize Table to sort out the myriad of sub-divisions they have.

As I said before, we like to get results up as quick as we can, so doing several different sets of results with different filtering probably isn’t in the cards for us. In this particular case, I can probably quickly change the filtering for one sub-division and publish to a different filename without too much delay.

Perhaps a feature request for the future?

(Jon, I can hear your head beating on the desk from here… :slight_smile: )

I’ve always appreciated this group - lots of extremely experienced scorers who are always willing to help out.

Thanks again.
