How can I fix handicaps?


Sorry this is probably really basic stuff! I have Folkboats racing against a group of dayboats on a weekly basis. The FBs all race scratch and last year I set the system up with a fixed handicap of 1.0 for the FBs which then didn’t alter each race & works well. This year I am running all the race results for the different dayboats and all their different cups, but can’t seem to get their handicap to remain fixed from race to race. I did an override on the scoring system where Fleet=FB & had no handicap scoring system - same as I’d done before - but every time I score the series the handicaps fluctuate from race to race like they would do using the NHC system…I’ve spent hours fiddling and am very frustrated with it.

Can anyone help?

Hello Royal Solent,

Sorry to hear you have a problem in getting Sailwave to work as you want. If you care to send me a copy of your Sailwave.BLW file I will have alook and see what the problem might be.

Kind regards,