How to score for overall Regatta winner across different fleets


I’m going to be scoring a regatta soon in which we shall be racing several different fleets. There will be about 4 one-design fleets, and one handicap fleet and the number of boats in each fleet is likely to differ.

The plan is to do low-point scoring for the regatta within each fleet, but I have also been asked to come up with an overall regatta winner. How should I do this, taking into account that placings in a larger fleet should be weighed more heavily.

In the past, I’ve used Cox-Sprague tables for this kind of thing, but is seems that there ought to be a nice way to re-score within sailwave. Should I score for low-point to get the fleet results, and then rescore using CHIPS and then select the sailor who not only won their fleet, but got the highest point score?

Suggestions gratefully received,


Hi Doug,

  I think you can do what you are looking for using the 'aliases'

functionality in Sailwave. You can have one or more aliases for a

  My initial idea on setting this up is to enter/import all

competitors, these will be used for overall regatta with a Fleet
field value of say ‘Overall’. Then create an alias for each
competitor then tag in the Fleet field with an appropriate name,
for example ‘Fleet 1’, ‘Fleet 2’, ‘Fleet 3’ & ‘Fleet 4’ for
the One Design classes where ‘Fleet #’ replaced by the class name.
Whereas for the handicap fleet use ‘Handicap’

  The above pre-supposes that ALL boats will be recorded on the

finish line with a finish time and that each fleet has the
appropriate start data entered in the race window for each race.
It also pre-supposes that when entering finish data that ALL boats
have their finish time entered, even though this effectively will
not be used when scoring the One Design fleets but it will be used
for the overall regatta fleet calculations.

  Then the scoring system needs to be configured with the

appropriate scoring system for each fleet on the fleets tab, the
default scoring system configured for the I suggest the overall

I hope you find this information useful.

Kind regards,



On 06/06/2018 20:30, Doug McKnight
[sailwave] wrote:


            I'm going to be scoring a regatta soon in which we

shall be racing several different fleets. There will be
about 4 one-design fleets, and one handicap fleet and
the number of boats in each fleet is likely to differ.

            The plan is to do low-point scoring for the regatta

within each fleet, but I have also been asked to come up
with an overall regatta winner. How should I do this,
taking into account that placings in a larger fleet
should be weighed more heavily.

            In the past, I've used Cox-Sprague tables for this

kind of thing, but is seems that there ought to be a
nice way to re-score within sailwave. Should I score for
low-point to get the fleet results, and then rescore
using CHIPS and then select the sailor who not only won
their fleet, but got the highest point score?

Suggestions gratefu lly received,

