I have been speaking to Jon, this is what we propose:-
1. undo current javascript solution - it's pitched at the wrong
level and is confusing (don’t panic christof)
2. add an option to the xml export to only save published columns
(privacy issue solved)
3. add a JSON export with the same option. (this is the *generic*
javascript solution - still don’t panic christof)
4. extend the template backquote stuff to allow class definitions
for specific td’s, e.g. class, sailno etc (minimal extra text - only
adds class to that spec).
5. extend the template backquote stuff to allow translation of all
fixed text in the template (relax now christof) - this is generic
across all templates then
6. add SXL and JSON as publishing destinations with useful options
to link in javascript/XLT etc.
7. extend command line options to score, export, save, exit etc.
this is good for non ui solutions.
the idea is that by providing two solutions, templates and json/xml,
it satisfies everybody. those who are not developers can use the
template backquote solutions and those that are developers can
additionally use the completely generic facilities - which have
limitless potential.
ps: wrt linking the CSS, you can do that now. just create your own
temp[late without a style backquote and a hard wired link to your
8. add some help about using styles and templates, including tips
like that one.