Implementing odd/even fleet scoring

OK, I know I'm trying to fit a square peg in a round hole, but I'm really really close and I think I'm just missing some small trick to get it all working.

The scenario is that I have 20 boats racing on a single course. It's a small course and cannot handle that number so we are splitting into two groups of 10. The kicker is that they need to be scored all together in the end *and* we need to mix up the boats for each race to normalize the competition level for all sailors, i.e. we don't want three hot shots in the first group to bury the rest of the sailors in that group all day so we'll shift boats between the groups after each race.

The best method I have found to achieve our goal is the odd/even method whereby the after both groups have completed a race we score them as a fleet then separate them out into two groups again based on whether their final rank in the last race is odd or even.

I know there are spreadsheets available to score odd/even type events but I am familiar with Sailwave and I want all the other goodies it provides me. Besides, it's our yacht club's standard scoring tool and I want the results to be consistent with other regattas.

So given that I'm determined to do this in Sailwave I created a sample .blw to tinker with. I have accepted that I will have to sort the boats into odd/even groups manually after each race, but that is manageable. I have discovered some hidden settings to allow more than one first place, second place, third place etc. in the scoring. Sailwave appears to be breaking the ties correctly. The only problem I can't get around is that I want to maintain the finish position as the score for each race, but when I apply the scoring Sailwave wants to assign a score for me. Since there can be no ties per race (because we are assigning sequential finish positions) I'd like to disable tie resolution *per race*, but leave it enabled for overall rank of course.

So after scoring I need each competitor in a given race to be assigned a score of 1 thru 10, understanding that there will be two of each score, i.e. 1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5,6,6,7,7,8,8,9,9,10,10. I need these scores to be accumulated and any ties broken for the final rankings. I can provide a sample .blw file in the files section if necessary.

Am I dreaming?

Dreaming? Raving, more like!

George Morris


----- Original Message -----



Sent: Thursday, April 19, 2012 1:10 AM

Subject: [sailwave] Implementing odd/even fleet scoring

OK, I know I’m trying to fit a square peg in a round hole, but I’m really really close and I think I’m just missing some small trick to get it all working.

The scenario is that I have 20 boats racing on a single course. It’s a small course and cannot handle that number so we are splitting into two groups of 10. The kicker is that they need to be scored all together in the end and we need to mix up the boats for each race to normalize the competition level for all sailors, i.e. we don’t want three hot shots in the first group to bury the rest of the sailors in that group all day so we’ll shift boats between the groups after each race.

The best method I have found to achieve our goal is the odd/even method whereby the after both groups have completed a race we score them as a fleet then separate them out into two groups again based on whether their final rank in the last race is odd or even.

I know there are spreadsheets available to score odd/even type events but I am familiar with Sailwave and I want all the other goodies it provides me. Besides, it’s our yacht club’s standard scoring tool and I want the results to be consistent with other regattas.

So given that I’m determined to do this in Sailwave I created a sample .blw to tinker with. I have accepted that I will have to sort the boats into odd/even groups manually after each race, but that is manageable. I have discovered some hidden settings to allow more than one first place, second place, third place etc. in the scoring. Sailwave appears to be breaking the ties correctly. The only problem I can’t get around is that I want to maintain the finish position as the score for each race, but when I apply the scoring Sailwave wants to assign a score for me. Since there can be no ties per race (because we are assigning sequential finish positions) I’d like to disable tie resolution per race, but leave it enabled for overall rank of course.

So after scoring I need each competitor in a given race to be assigned a score of 1 thru 10, understanding that there will be two of each score, i.e. 1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5,6,6,7,7,8,8,9,9,10,10. I need these scores to be accumulated and any ties broken for the final rankings. I can provide a sample .blw file in the files section if necessary.

Am I dreaming?


I think I understand what you are trying to do. If I have, you are

doing a race by race basis flight reassignment, which I do at major
international events (examples Skandia Sail for Gold, Laser Worlds)
on a day by day basis for some of the classes in the events, e.g.
Laser, 49er.

Sailwave can assign the flights for you as well, so no having to use

another program It is important to understand the difference between flight, fleet
and colour group.
If you would like to send me your .BLW file I will take a look.
Kind regards,
To gain this functionality you need to go and turn it on On 19/04/2012 01:10, Dave wrote:



          OK, I know I'm trying to fit a square peg in a round

hole, but I’m really really close and I think I’m just
missing some small trick to get it all working.

          The scenario is that I have 20 boats racing on a single

course. It’s a small course and cannot handle that number
so we are splitting into two groups of 10. The kicker is
that they need to be scored all together in the end and
we need to mix up the boats for each race to normalize the
competition level for all sailors, i.e. we don’t want
three hot shots in the first group to bury the rest of the
sailors in that group all day so we’ll shift boats between
the groups after each race.

          The best method I have found to achieve our goal is the

odd/even method whereby the after both groups have
completed a race we score them as a fleet then separate
them out into two groups again based on whether their
final rank in the last race is odd or even.

          I know there are spreadsheets available to score odd/even

type events but I am familiar with Sailwave and I want all
the other goodies it provides me. Besides, it’s our yacht
club’s standard scoring tool and I want the results to be
consistent with other regattas.

          So given that I'm determined to do this in Sailwave I

created a sample .blw to tinker with. I have accepted that
I will have to sort the boats into odd/even groups
manually after each race, but that is manageable. I have
discovered some hidden settings to allow more than one
first place, second place, third place etc. in the
scoring. Sailwave appears to be breaking the ties
correctly. The only problem I can’t get around is that I
want to maintain the finish position as the score for each
race, but when I apply the scoring Sailwave wants to
assign a score for me. Since there can be no ties per race
(because we are assigning sequential finish positions) I’d
like to disable tie resolution per race, but leave it
enabled for overall rank of course.

          So after scoring I need each competitor in a given race to

be assigned a score of 1 thru 10, understanding that there
will be two of each score, i.e.
1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5,6,6,7,7,8,8,9,9,10,10. I need these
scores to be accumulated and any ties broken for the final
rankings. I can provide a sample .blw file in the files
section if necessary.

          Am I dreaming?

Try reading the sections on Flight scoring and IODA events in the User Guide, Sailwave User Guide is available from Although not exactly what you are seeking to do it might help you configure sailwave to do what you want.

Mark Townsend
Phone: 562-433-4366
Cell: 562-533-5909


From: “George Morris”
Sent: April 19, 2012 7:03 AM
Subject: Re: [sailwave] Implementing odd/even fleet scoring

Dreaming? Raving, more like!

George Morris

----- Original Message -----



Sent: Thursday, April 19, 2012 1:10 AM

Subject: [sailwave] Implementing odd/even fleet scoring

OK, I know I’m trying to fit a square peg in a round hole, but I’m really really close and I think I’m just missing some small trick to get it all working.

The scenario is that I have 20 boats racing on a single course. It’s a small course and cannot handle that number so we are splitting into two groups of 10. The kicker is that they need to be scored all together in the end and we need to mix up the boats for each race to normalize the competition level for all sailors, i.e. we don’t want three hot shots in the first group to bury the rest of the sailors in that group all day so we’ll shift boats between the groups after each race.

The best method I have found to achieve our goal is the odd/even method whereby the after both groups have completed a race we score them as a fleet then separate them out into two groups again based on whether their final rank in the last race is odd or even.

I know there are spreadsheets available to score odd/even type events but I am familiar with Sailwave and I want all the other goodies it provides me. Besides, it’s our yacht club’s standard scoring tool and I want the results to be consistent with other regattas.

So given that I’m determined to do this in Sailwave I created a sample .blw to tinker with. I have accepted that I will have to sort the boats into odd/even groups manually after each race, but that is manageable. I have discovered some hidden settings to allow more than one first place, second place, third place etc. in the scoring. Sailwave appears to be breaking the ties correctly. The only problem I can’t get around is that I want to maintain the finish position as the score for each race, but when I apply the scoring Sailwave wants to assign a score for me. Since there can be no ties per race (because we are assigning sequential finish positions) I’d like to disable tie resolution per race, but leave it enabled for overall rank of course.

So after scoring I need each competitor in a given race to be assigned a score of 1 thru 10, understanding that there will be two of each score, i.e. 1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5,6,6,7,7,8,8,9,9,10,10. I need these scores to be accumulated and any ties broken for the final rankings. I can provide a sample .blw file in the files section if necessary.

Am I dreaming?

Thank Huw, any insights would be greatly appreciated.

I posted the file to this groups 'Files' section under the name Odd_Even.blw.

I have been trying different combinations of settings so please forgive anything I may have torqued in error.



--- In, Huw Pearce <huw.pearce@...> wrote:


I think I understand what you are trying to do. If I have, you are doing
a race by race basis flight reassignment, which I do at major
international events (examples Skandia Sail for Gold, Laser Worlds) on a
day by day basis for some of the classes in the events, e.g. Laser, 49er.

Sailwave can assign the flights for you as well, so no having to use
another program :slight_smile:

It is important to understand the difference between flight, fleet and
colour group.

If you would like to send me your .BLW file I will take a look.

Kind regards,

To gain this functionality you need to go and turn it on

On 19/04/2012 01:10, Dave wrote:
> OK, I know I'm trying to fit a square peg in a round hole, but I'm
> really really close and I think I'm just missing some small trick to
> get it all working.
> The scenario is that I have 20 boats racing on a single course. It's a
> small course and cannot handle that number so we are splitting into
> two groups of 10. The kicker is that they need to be scored all
> together in the end *and* we need to mix up the boats for each race to
> normalize the competition level for all sailors, i.e. we don't want
> three hot shots in the first group to bury the rest of the sailors in
> that group all day so we'll shift boats between the groups after each
> race.
> The best method I have found to achieve our goal is the odd/even
> method whereby the after both groups have completed a race we score
> them as a fleet then separate them out into two groups again based on
> whether their final rank in the last race is odd or even.
> I know there are spreadsheets available to score odd/even type events
> but I am familiar with Sailwave and I want all the other goodies it
> provides me. Besides, it's our yacht club's standard scoring tool and
> I want the results to be consistent with other regattas.
> So given that I'm determined to do this in Sailwave I created a sample
> .blw to tinker with. I have accepted that I will have to sort the
> boats into odd/even groups manually after each race, but that is
> manageable. I have discovered some hidden settings to allow more than
> one first place, second place, third place etc. in the scoring.
> Sailwave appears to be breaking the ties correctly. The only problem I
> can't get around is that I want to maintain the finish position as the
> score for each race, but when I apply the scoring Sailwave wants to
> assign a score for me. Since there can be no ties per race (because we
> are assigning sequential finish positions) I'd like to disable tie
> resolution *per race*, but leave it enabled for overall rank of course.
> So after scoring I need each competitor in a given race to be assigned
> a score of 1 thru 10, understanding that there will be two of each
> score, i.e. 1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5,6,6,7,7,8,8,9,9,10,10. I need these
> scores to be accumulated and any ties broken for the final rankings. I
> can provide a sample .blw file in the files section if necessary.
> Am I dreaming?

Mark, you get the gold star! That was the ticket, assigning competitors to even or odd starts using the flight property of the competitor rather than one of the regatta columns.

So for those interested in using odd/even scoring in Sailwave I'll summarize what appears to work for me here:

1) Enter all your competitor information
2) On the "Setup" menu choose "User Interface..."
3) Check "Split starts allowin..." and "Appendix LE Addendum C"
4) On the "Setup" menu choose "Scoring System..."
5) In the "Split starts" section check "Allow multiple 1sts, 2nds etc"
6) On the "Tools" menu choose "Flight assignments..."
7) Assign flights by whatever means you choose. I entered 'O' and 'E' into the "Assign these flights" section (each on its own line) then chose the "Equal groups (App LE Add C finals)" option below and let 'er rip. The competitors were evenly split between flights O and E.
8) Enter the finish position for each competitor in each flight.
9) Manually (sigh...) reassign each competitor to the O or E flight for the next race based on their finish position in the last race run.

When you score the series each race should end up with two 1sts, two 2nds etc. and the Total and Nett will be calculated appropriately breaking any ties and applying any throwouts. Perfect!

I'll post my final Odd_Even.blw to the files section here in the Yahoo Group for others to refer to.

Now if someone could tell me how to auto-assign the flight for the upcoming race based on odd or even finish positions (step #9 above) I could sleep peacefully knowing that human interaction with the numbers has been reduced to a minimum!

Thanks again Mark, and thanks to Huw for offering to help too.

Stark raving blissful now that I have it working, ha ha! Sailwave totally rocks.


--- In, "George Morris" <gmorris@...> wrote:

Dreaming? Raving, more like!

George Morris
  ----- Original Message -----
  From: Dave
  Sent: Thursday, April 19, 2012 1:10 AM
  Subject: [sailwave] Implementing odd/even fleet scoring

  OK, I know I'm trying to fit a square peg in a round hole, but I'm really really close and I think I'm just missing some small trick to get it all working.

  The scenario is that I have 20 boats racing on a single course. It's a small course and cannot handle that number so we are splitting into two groups of 10. The kicker is that they need to be scored all together in the end *and* we need to mix up the boats for each race to normalize the competition level for all sailors, i.e. we don't want three hot shots in the first group to bury the rest of the sailors in that group all day so we'll shift boats between the groups after each race.

  The best method I have found to achieve our goal is the odd/even method whereby the after both groups have completed a race we score them as a fleet then separate them out into two groups again based on whether their final rank in the last race is odd or even.

  I know there are spreadsheets available to score odd/even type events but I am familiar with Sailwave and I want all the other goodies it provides me. Besides, it's our yacht club's standard scoring tool and I want the results to be consistent with other regattas.

  So given that I'm determined to do this in Sailwave I created a sample .blw to tinker with. I have accepted that I will have to sort the boats into odd/even groups manually after each race, but that is manageable. I have discovered some hidden settings to allow more than one first place, second place, third place etc. in the scoring. Sailwave appears to be breaking the ties correctly. The only problem I can't get around is that I want to maintain the finish position as the score for each race, but when I apply the scoring Sailwave wants to assign a score for me. Since there can be no ties per race (because we are assigning sequential finish positions) I'd like to disable tie resolution *per race*, but leave it enabled for overall rank of course.

  So after scoring I need each competitor in a given race to be assigned a score of 1 thru 10, understanding that there will be two of each score, i.e. 1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5,6,6,7,7,8,8,9,9,10,10. I need these scores to be accumulated and any ties broken for the final rankings. I can provide a sample .blw file in the files section if necessary.

  Am I dreaming?

Whoops, missed one step:

7b) Edit you race(s) and add a start for each flight. Filter competitors based on the "flight" field. E.g. Edit each start and use the "Select competitors" tool to fill the "Competitors in this start" field with "Flight=O" or Flight="E".

Apologies for the oversight.


--- In, "Dave" <dave@...> wrote:

Mark, you get the gold star! That was the ticket, assigning competitors to even or odd starts using the flight property of the competitor rather than one of the regatta columns.

So for those interested in using odd/even scoring in Sailwave I'll summarize what appears to work for me here:

1) Enter all your competitor information
2) On the "Setup" menu choose "User Interface..."
3) Check "Split starts allowin..." and "Appendix LE Addendum C"
4) On the "Setup" menu choose "Scoring System..."
5) In the "Split starts" section check "Allow multiple 1sts, 2nds etc"
6) On the "Tools" menu choose "Flight assignments..."
7) Assign flights by whatever means you choose. I entered 'O' and 'E' into the "Assign these flights" section (each on its own line) then chose the "Equal groups (App LE Add C finals)" option below and let 'er rip. The competitors were evenly split between flights O and E.
8) Enter the finish position for each competitor in each flight.
9) Manually (sigh...) reassign each competitor to the O or E flight for the next race based on their finish position in the last race run.

When you score the series each race should end up with two 1sts, two 2nds etc. and the Total and Nett will be calculated appropriately breaking any ties and applying any throwouts. Perfect!

I'll post my final Odd_Even.blw to the files section here in the Yahoo Group for others to refer to.

Now if someone could tell me how to auto-assign the flight for the upcoming race based on odd or even finish positions (step #9 above) I could sleep peacefully knowing that human interaction with the numbers has been reduced to a minimum!

Thanks again Mark, and thanks to Huw for offering to help too.