Import Race Question

I am trying to set up Sailwave our racing for this year and would like to use “import race results” from a .csv file. All of my attempts to provide a descriptive race name/number have failed. We normally have 3 series: Spring, Summer, and Fall each year with both Centerboard (dinghy) races on Thursday and PHRF (keel boats) on Mondays. For our Centerboard, we normally have 3-4 races each night. For our PHRF, we have a single race each night. Our race identified for centerboard would be something like SPLP 2-1 which would map to Spring Low Points Night 2 Race 1 while for PHRF would be SPLP 2. For example, I would like to be able to import the race name (SPLP 2-1)with the results since it would require mapping of SPLP 2-1 to be race number 5 ( We normally have 3 series, 8 nights / series, and up to 4 races per night. Therefor in this example SP -> SeriesNo = 1, NightNo=2, RaceNo= 1 so race number is (SeriesNo-1)*8 +(NightNo-1)*4+RaceNo.). It would also be good if I could import the actual date and race notes (e.g., conditions) since those fields are available in the “Edit Race”. I realize that I can go back and edit the race items in Sailwave after the fact, but it would be easier if just imported from the .csv file. Is this possible?


Tom Owen

Hi Tom,

Race names are not race results which is why you can’t import them using the import race results feature.

You can import fields that are to do with the results such as the ‘RaceNo’, ‘Elapsed’, ‘Start’, ‘Finish’, ‘Code’, ‘Place’ or '‘Laps’

but things such as Race Name and Wind strength apply to the race and not the results. I don’t understand how you would specify this data in the same csv as the results themselves. Perhaps you could give a sample csv you would like to import.



— In, Tom OWEN wrote:

I am trying to set up Sailwave our racing for this year and would like to
use “import race results” from a .csv file. All of my attempts to provide a
descriptive race name/number have failed. We normally have 3 series:
Spring, Summer, and Fall each year with both Centerboard (dinghy) races on
Thursday and PHRF (keel boats) on Mondays. For our Centerboard, we normally
have 3-4 races each night. For our PHRF, we have a single race each night.
Our race identified for centerboard would be something like SPLP 2-1 which
would map to Spring Low Points Night 2 Race 1 while for PHRF would be SPLP
2. For example, I would like to be able to import the race name (SPLP
2-1)with the results since it would require mapping of SPLP 2-1 to be race
number 5 ( We normally have 3 series, 8 nights / series, and up to 4 races
per night. Therefor in this example SP -> SeriesNo = 1, NightNo=2, RaceNo=
1 so race number is (SeriesNo-1)*8 +(NightNo-1)*4+RaceNo.). It would also
be good if I could import the actual date and race notes (e.g., conditions)
since those fields are available in the “Edit Race”. I realize that I can go
back and edit the race items in Sailwave after the fact, but it would be
easier if just imported from the .csv file. Is this possible?


Tom Owen