Is there a way to import aliases from a csv file? I need to set up about a hundred, and doing each one by hand doesn't appeal!
I have not found a way of importing aliases.
I had sent a couple of enhancement suggestion to Colin.
(1) Ability to mass create aliases similar in concept to the change competitor field tool.
(2) Feature to import and export of aliases from a csv file.
The best I have been able to do is have two entries for a competitor in the csv file, import them, and then indicate one is an alias of the other.
Mark Townsend
--- In, "jimc_hjones" <yho@...> wrote:
Is there a way to import aliases from a csv file? I need to set up about a hundred, and doing each one by hand doesn't appeal!
FWIW, as I had trouble figuring it all out, here is my complete process for setting up personal handicaps in a series with multiple starts (Slow, Fast and Laser) using aliases. I'm posting this for the benefit of the next person to search through the back messages!
1) Make a spreadsheet of your sailors. Include columns for
Sail Number
Helm Name
Class Handicap
Personal Handicap
and any others that you feel needed. We do our handicaps in bands rather than per individual, so there's a column for "Band".
2) Fill the Fleet column as "Scratch" for all Sailors.
3) Save the Spreadsheet as a csv file, say ws.csv
4) Change the contents of the fleet column to "Personal"
5) Save the spreadsheet as a different file, say wp.csv
6) Fire Up Sailwave. Must be a pretty recent version.
7) Create a new Series. Make the following changes
8) change title of Column "Bownumber" to "Band"
9) Change name of Column "Division" to "Start"
10) Customise Columns so only Rank, Band, Fleet, Start, Class,
Sailno, Helmname, rating, Race Columns, Total and Nett are visible (or as appt. for your series).
11) Save the series
12) File/Import from csv file/competitors. Use the scratch file first
(ws.csv?). Map fields appropriately, but set "Personal Handicap" to
"IGNORE" and match "Class Handicap" to "Rating". Check "Delete existing competitors". You now have all the competitors in once.
13) Repeat the import, but this time use the Personal Handicap file, set "Personal Handicap" to map to "Rating" and Class handicap to Ignore. Do *not* Delete existing competitors.
14). You now have each competitor in twice, once as
fleet "personal" with the personal rating, and once as fleet "scratch"
with the class rating.
15) Goto Setup/User Interface and check "competitor
16) Go to Setup/Series Properties and set up Race Title etc
17) Go to Setup/Scoring System, make appropriate changes including Rating system to RYA PY.
18). Delete all races except Race 1.
19) Go to Edit/Race. Hit "new start" for the nunber of starts you require. Edit each start in turn. Hit the "select competitors" button, and fill in the Formula "start = Slow", (fast/laser) as appropriate (r whatever is appriate to your series). Finishes to be
recorded as finish time, start time set correctly etc.
20) Now there there's one nasty job which I haven't been able
to automate in anyway. All the "Personal" Fleet competitors must be "Aliased" to the matching Scratch Fleet competitor. What you do is go edit/compeitor, and with aliasing set on there should be a new Alias tab.Click on the dropdown against the alias box and find the matching scratch competitor.The personal must always be the alias of the scratch. Now when you use the wizard for results you will only see a competitor listed once, for the scratch entry, and when you fill in a finish time it will appear against both. I found it easiest to do en masse if I had the Sailwave file sorted first by fleet in reverse order and secondly by Sailor name. With the edit next checkbox on it wasn't too mind numbing if I did it with a couple of breaks.
OK, there's the File. When you score your series you selecet "score fleets separately" with the fleet as the division.
There's probably things I've missed, but this is the guts of it...
--- In, "s_mark_townsend" <s_mark_townsend@...> wrote:
I have not found a way of importing aliases.