Individual Races and Series Scores.

The answer is probably staring me in the face which is why I don’t see it.

I’m thinking I need to define either Fleets or Divisions but they don’t make sense

Every area has a series of 2 or more random leg races that can be entered individually or as the series. Typically a series entry saves about a competitor $5/race.

Where or how do you designate a competitor as a series entrant or just an individual race so his score for the series is not calculated.

Is this possible for a series of Single RL Races?

I would think it might be impossible for SW to do this for a series of (multiple race) regattas. Seems like some manual input would be needed for a series of regattas.

Could you exclude the individual race entrants when scoring / publishing the overall series results?

Include them and publish individual race tables for those races.

Malcolm Osborne
Rondevlei South Africa


On 2015-12-07 21:37, [sailwave] wrote:

The answer is probably staring me in the face which is why I don't see it.

I'm thinking I need to define either Fleets or Divisions but they don't make sense

Every area has a series of 2 or more random leg races that can be entered individually or as the series. Typically a series entry saves about a competitor $5/race.

Where or how do you designate a competitor as a series entrant or just an individual race so his score for the series is not calculated.

Is this possible for a series of Single RL Races?

I would think it might be impossible for SW to do this for a series of (multiple race) regattas. Seems like some manual input would be needed for a series of regattas.

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Malcolm, I could not find anything to use to designate a boat as not in the series. The publishing tools only seem to allow for series or individual race with no way to exclude a competitor from the series. Maybe there is somewhere, a way to designate, “if a competitor does not meet the minimum series of 3 races” do not score them in the overall series.

The race is a 4 race series over 2 months with one throw out.

How about a new custom scoring code SNE (Series Not Entered), where the score would be “Boats in the series -1 which would equal 0”. This way individual race scores are kept intact. If someone kept racing paying the full entry fee for individual races (instead of entering the series at the beginning) and after doing the minimum of 3 races, I could go back and change the code for the race missed to DNC.

Anyone do anything like this?

It sounds like an acceptable workaround.

Dave T

I really screwed up on the previous post. My brain was still on the high point topic and after I posted it, I went for a ride on my handcycle and realized my mistake.

The new code SNE (Series Not Entered) should be like a DSQ +1 and not allowed to be discarded.
This way the boats not entered in the series would always be at the bottom. When publishing, I always check the display codes used. This would display the boats that entered individual races and their final scores could be edited out.