Is running a heat system possible with sailwave?

Hello all,

This program looks really impressive, and we’d love to implement the software at our studentwindsurfing events. One quick question first. Up to now we have been using our own programmes that all have their good and bad points.

We run heat races. Generally we have 8 people in a heat, with say three heats in a division. The bottom two sailors in heat 1 go down and the top two sailors in heat 2 go up, etc etc. Is it possible to run this kind of racing on the sailwave programme, so that it automatically determines the new 8 sailors for the heats in the next round of races?



** Student Windsurfing Association**
James Potten
SWA Events Officer
Mobile: 07976 714123 (orange)

Studentwindsurfing is a not-for profit organisation, set up to co-ordinate and promote Studentwindsurfing in the UK. Our mission statement is 'to have all existing university windsurfing clubs attending the SWA Series events by 2003’. For more info go to

Hi James,

Thanks for your interest in Sailwave. There is no auto facilitation for such in Sailwave as it stands. Once the prototype sailwave 2 is out, I fully intend to incorporate app KE which’ll handle it. Sailwave 2 has become a bigger task than I imagined - I’m presently simplifying my (idealistic) goals to get out what I’m going to call an “Early Access” release - this will in fact be functionally inferior to the current Sailwave but will provide a platform to work from and hopefully get feedback from… if you need an auto solution now there is free software out there that’ll do it - the USSA page of software reviews will point you at it; specifically I think RaceSail does it - and while RaceSail is a ‘competitor’ of mine, at the end of the day we’re all here to get you the best solution now… Keep checking back for more info…


Colin J


-----Original Message-----
From: James Potten []
Sent: 26 February 2003 19:50
Subject: [sailwave] Is running a heat system possible with sailwave?

Hello all,

This program looks really impressive, and we’d love to implement the software at our studentwindsurfing events. One quick question first. Up to now we have been using our own programmes that all have their good and bad points.

We run heat races. Generally we have 8 people in a heat, with say three heats in a division. The bottom two sailors in heat 1 go down and the top two sailors in heat 2 go up, etc etc. Is it possible to run this kind of racing on the sailwave programme, so that it automatically determines the new 8 sailors for the heats in the next round of races?



** Student Windsurfing Association**
James Potten
SWA Events Officer
Mobile: 07976 714123 (orange)

Studentwindsurfing is a not-for profit organisation, set up to co-ordinate and promote Studentwindsurfing in the UK. Our mission statement is 'to have all existing university windsurfing clubs attending the SWA Series events by 2003’. For more info go to

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