

Is there anyway to make the logo's on the results file bigger. We
have a sponser and I have added their logo onto the results file and
published but it is so small you can't read the writing. I have
resampled the image but sailwave seems to re-size it?

See www.sailwave.com/results/NoSSSfleet (top right)

Also can you delete files that have been uploaded to

I uploaded two whilst testing the 'new toy' and they are no longer in
use (NoSSS and NoSSStest)?

Keep the right arm moving!


Hello paul_bartlettuk,

Friday, May 30, 2003, 3:41:42 AM, you wrote:


Is there anyway to make the logo's on the results file bigger. We
have a sponser and I have added their logo onto the results file and
published but it is so small you can't read the writing. I have
resampled the image but sailwave seems to re-size it?

See www.sailwave.com/results/NoSSSfleet (top right)

I can't see the image you refer to, but do notice two problems with
that page.

1. The file name _must_ end in .htm or .html, or Netscape will just
show the raw html. Microsoft Exploder does render the html.

2. Your file calls for the images using:
        <img class=burgee src="E:\NoSSS\RYA.gif" border="0">

This will try to fetch the images from the _user's_ E: drive - not
what you want. You need to configure things so that these links look
for the image in the same directory (or a subdirectory) as the one
that the .html file is in, and you must upload the images to the web
server, so that we all can see them.


Peter Bennett, VE7CEI Vancouver, B.C., Canada
GPS and NMEA info: http://vancouver-webpages.com/peter
Vancouver Power Squadron: http://vancouver.powersquadron.ca

OK, try www25.brinkster.com/nosssquad/resultsoa

Hopefully you will be able to see the problem now, its the logo top
right that needs to be bigger.


Hello paul_bartlettuk,

Friday, May 30, 2003, 3:41:42 AM, you wrote:

> Collin

> Is there anyway to make the logo's on the results file bigger.


> have a sponser and I have added their logo onto the results file


> published but it is so small you can't read the writing. I have
> resampled the image but sailwave seems to re-size it?

> See www.sailwave.com/results/NoSSSfleet (top right)

I can't see the image you refer to, but do notice two problems with
that page.

1. The file name _must_ end in .htm or .html, or Netscape will just
show the raw html. Microsoft Exploder does render the html.

2. Your file calls for the images using:
        <img class=burgee src="E:\NoSSS\RYA.gif" border="0">

This will try to fetch the images from the _user's_ E: drive - not
what you want. You need to configure things so that these links



--- In sailwave@yahoogroups.com, Peter Bennett <peterbb@i...> wrote:

for the image in the same directory (or a subdirectory) as the one
that the .html file is in, and you must upload the images to the web
server, so that we all can see them.

Peter Bennett, VE7CEI Vancouver, B.C., Canada
GPS and NMEA info: http://vancouver-webpages.com/peter
Vancouver Power Squadron: http://vancouver.powersquadron.ca

There is a line in the classes section that says
img.burgee {height: 50px;}

You can either change the size there or fix it in your template or you can remove 'class=burgee' from the following two places in your final results page:

<img class=burgee src="E:\NoSSS\logo and tag.gif" border="0">

That is where Sailwave is setting the size of the logo


At 08:54 AM 6/5/2003 +0000, paul_bartlettuk wrote:

OK, try www25.brinkster.com/nosssquad/resultsoa

Hopefully you will be able to see the problem now, its the logo top
right that needs to be bigger.

Hello paul_bartlettuk,

Thursday, June 5, 2003, 1:54:09 AM, you wrote:

OK, try www25.brinkster.com/nosssquad/resultsoa

Hopefully you will be able to see the problem now, its the logo top
right that needs to be bigger.


There is a line near the top of the style definitions in the html
        img.burgee {height: 100px;}
that limits the height of these images to 100 pixels.

You could manually edit that line to change the height of both images
as desired.


Peter Bennett, VE7CEI Vancouver, B.C., Canada
GPS and NMEA info: http://vancouver-webpages.com/peter
Vancouver Power Squadron: http://vancouver.powersquadron.ca