Medal race not counted for scoring and the order according to this race

Hello, recently I’ve been counting the results at the regatta with Medal Race but in a new format - places in the race do not count at all for the score and to make it even more difficult, the places in the regatta must be according to the Medal Race race (applies to competitors who are assigned to the Medal Race, e.g. first 10). I did it so that I manually created places from 1 to 10 in scoring codes and assigned 0 points, then I created a new column, e.g. group and rewritten the players’ places to this column, then I sorted by this column and used the seed competitor field tool but it is terribly time consuming :frowning: Is it possible to do it differently (faster)?

Hi Mis,
What you did obviously worked - For a similar situation, what I did was use a column that I wasn’t using - in my case Bow number and titled the column Medal and positioned this between the race columns and Total and Nett so it appears to be another race

I then used the Tools - competitor field to set the Bow Number (Medal) of all competitors to _ (so that sort works correctly)
Then when you have the positions of the medal competitors just enter their positions in the Medal column
Now click on the Medal column to sort them in order of Medal first and then hold the CTRL key and click the Nett to sort them on secondary sort
They are now in Rank order so use Tools - Seed competitor field to seed the Rank from 1 step 1

All done just publish - Jon

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