Merging series of races then scoring by total points not place

The Problem: the races want the series results to show as total points, but Sailwave converts each series to place when scoring the merged series.

I will be merging 10 series of 6 races each. Right now I have two race series Jan 2 and Jan 9 (6 races each to merge. I used the “File > Merge in another Sailwave Series” to join the two series:
Merge screen

The result was a sailwave file showing the summed points for the 6 races for each of 2 series. See below

Merged races showing points

Now when I score the merged series, the total points are converted to places. Not what the racers want to see even if the results will be the same.

Merged races showing place

Is there any setting that will keep the total points when merging and scoring series?

Any help appreciated.

Hi Donald,

You appear to be asking for the published results to be the finishing places rather than the scored points
Although this is not normal
You can do this by scoring and then pressing F6 and then F and then publishing the results - you will get a warning that you might like to score before publishing but you can ignore this and continue

Let us know if that is what you are looking for



Thanks for your quick response.

Actually, I’m hoping to get the results in total points, not finishing places. I tried the F6, then F and then publishing. I did not get an error message. I got the same output of sum of the places rather than sum of the points:

Did I do something wrong?

Hi Donald,

If you press F6 and F then you will see what you have entered
if you press F6 and P then you will see the scored points (which is the normal for scoring

If you have pressed F6 and F and the values that are displayed are not what you want please check what you have entered

I must say that normally you would display scored points

If you still have an issue perhaps you could attach you test files or give me a call on WhatsApp +447530112233



DF95 Merge 2.blw (22.4 KB)


I’ve uploaded the blw file I’m working on. It displays the total points from 6 races on Jan 2 and total points from 6 races on Jan 9. If I score the merged races the total points for Jan 2 are converted to places and the same for Jan 9. Entering F6 and then 6 after scoring has no effect. Not sure what is going wrong.

Hi Donald,

It should be F6 followed by F not 6.
The following shows an alternative way by clicking down arrow at right of highlighted box

Having done either of the above methods this is what I see:

If you then publish the information displayed on the screen is shown,

Kind regards,

Thank Huw,

The last example you displayed is almost what I’m trying to get. I trying to have the Total equal the sum of the Jan 2 and Jan 9 points, so the Total for Ron Stephanz would be 27 rather than 3.

Hi Donald,

Sailwave cannot do what you are seeking, it might be possible to do want you are seeking by having a Javascript effect written to do the adding up.

Kind regards,

Thanks. I’ll just use a spreadsheets to add the weekly points.

Thanks you help. Always very responsive.


Hi Donald,

You could do something with an Effect as Huw suggests
To get Sailwave to add the points for you you would need enter them as points so they stay as points
e.g. if you used the RDG code (you could create your own code PNT or an invisible code) and then the points would not be changed when you scored

How do you cope with DNC etc what points do you give


Hi Donald

This is what it looks like when you enter them as points using a scoring code of -

Here is the file
DF95 Merge 2.blw (24.8 KB)

It takes very little to copy the position to the points but to make it super easy I’ve modified Sailwave in Version 2.36.2 to also copy the points across for you when you select points in the merge. You can download it from

So when you Merge the 3rd race all the points will be there already all you need to do is tell it use points for each entry in the race - you can do that very quickly by selecting one of the existing results and typing CNTRL C then select the top result in R3 and type CNTRL V then repeat Down Arrow CNTRL V for all the other competitors in that race a 5s to 10s job and its all done

Let me know if you would like any more info.
