More HTML flexibility required


Great product.

I was wondering if the following has been considered or if there are work arounds:

1. Link to a separate style sheet instead of using a style element in the HTML head. This way I can change the look of all the styles at once without touching the individual HTML pages.

2. Add HTML headers and footers to published pages. You could either create header and footer DIV tags and insert text there or you could just leave a relative link to header.html and footer.html. We are then free to make header.html and footer.html contain whatever we want. If they are blank, there is no harm too.

I recognize that each HTML output can be hand manipulated to do what I need but is there a consideration to do this from Sailwave?


I do this by haveing my own template for publishing the results.

Wiht this, I pick up our menu and style jsut by selecting the appropriate template form teh publish menu...



--- In, "monteirow@..." <monteirow@...> wrote:


Great product.

I was wondering if the following has been considered or if there are work arounds:

1. Link to a separate style sheet instead of using a style element in the HTML head. This way I can change the look of all the styles at once without touching the individual HTML pages.

2. Add HTML headers and footers to published pages. You could either create header and footer DIV tags and insert text there or you could just leave a relative link to header.html and footer.html. We are then free to make header.html and footer.html contain whatever we want. If they are blank, there is no harm too.

I recognize that each HTML output can be hand manipulated to do what I need but is there a consideration to do this from Sailwave?
