hi, im new to sailwave and im trying to score the championship from last year but im having a problem with negative times using phrf tod.
1 acor 507 0:45:55 -0:55:29 0:29:36 1.0
2 milha 603 0:45:55 -1:14:41 0:10:24 2.0
3 vouga 655 0:45:55 -1:25:05 0:00:00 3.0
this is an example all boats finhish the same time but due to great winds they finish with negative corrected times so the one with higher rating should be in first place but sailwave seems not to assume the minus sign in front of the corrected time. its classifying them as positive times but BCE is ok.
am i doing something wrong or is it a bug???
tanks in advance and sorry if i did not make myself understood my english is not very good.