New Program for Pursuit Race Calculations

Pursuit Racing Calculations

and personal handicapping using modified starts

This is an update to SWPH and uses a similar concept to the calculation / modification of the ratings that SWPH can do for personal handicap calculations, but here we modify the starts.

For a quick overview of you can watch this video (sorry its unedited at the moment)

Link to VIDEO below

Using SWPH for Pursuit Calculations

Details of SWPH are at SWPH Page

and it can be downloaded from Download page

Please feel free to improve the templates and share them with others


Included in the download is a template file PursuitTemplateStd.xls

  • Run SWPH
  • Select the Sailwave file you want to process if it is not the last one you used
  • Select the template file PursuitTemplateStd.xls or one you have developed yourself
  • Select which race from which you want to use to feed the ratings into Excel. (Normally leave this at 1 but if you are adjusting handicaps it is probably the last one you raced - SWPH will attempt to quess for you anyway)
  • Click to Excel
  • Check and modify any of the start times
  • Click the Starts to SW button
  • Select if you want to use Class or individual starts (Class will create a start for each class in the file - Individual will create one for each competitor)
  • Select the Race you want to create the starts for (This is normally automatically set for you but you can override it if you wish)
  • Select if you wish to keep existing starts in this race if you do these starts will be added to those already there otherwise all other starts for this race will be deleted.
  • Click Go

You can now close down SWPH and open your Sailwave file with Sailwave.

There are 2 Templates supplied the Std one is simpler and can be used for Calculating Pursuit races the Full one shows how more information can be transferred to Excel.

These are sample templates but you can create new ones or modify these to produce your own requirements.

The idea is you can also use it to perform personal handicapping by modifying the start times of competitors.

You might like to share what you have created with other users of the Sailwave User Group.

Thanks Jon,

Our season has only just finished her in Oz.

I look forward to trialling this over the winter, in readiness for next season.


Rob Morton

Pambula NSW Australia


From: [] On Behalf Of JON
Sent: Monday, 29 April 2013 3:28
Subject: [sailwave] New Program for Pursuit Race Calculations

Pursuit Racing Calculations

and personal handicapping using modified starts

This is an update to SWPH and uses a similar concept to the calculation / modification of the ratings that SWPH can do for personal handicap calculations, but here we modify the starts.

For a quick overview of you can watch this video (sorry its unedited at the moment)

Link to VIDEO below

Using SWPH for Pursuit Calculations

Details of SWPH are at SWPH Page

and it can be downloaded from Download page

Please feel free to improve the templates and share them with others


Included in the download is a template file PursuitTemplateStd.xls

  • Run SWPH

  • Select the Sailwave file you want to process if it is not the last one you used

  • Select the template file PursuitTemplateStd.xls or one you have developed yourself

  • Select which race from which you want to use to feed the ratings into Excel. (Normally leave this at 1 but if you are adjusting handicaps it is probably the la st one you raced - SWPH will attempt to quess for you anyway)

  • Click to Excel

  • Check and modify any of the start times

  • Click the Starts to SW button

  • Select if you want to use Class or individual starts (Class will create a start for each class in the file - Individual will create one for each competitor)

  • Select the Race you want to create the starts for (This is normally automatically set for you but you can override it if you wish)

  • Select if you wish to keep existing starts in this race if you do these starts will be added to those already there otherwise all other starts for this race will be deleted.

  • Click Go

You can now close down SWPH and open your Sailwave file with Sailwave.

There are 2 Templates supplied the Std one is simpler and can be used for Calculating Pursuit races the Full one shows how more information can be transferred to Excel.

These are sample templates but you can create new ones or modify these to produce your own requirements.

The idea is you can also use it to perform personal handicapping by modifying the start times of competitors.

You might like to share what you have created with other users of the Sailwave User Group.

Just experimenting to see if its possible to post video directly into the message

If it works then:-

This is the simple video and unedited sorry - to demonstate the use of SWPH to calculate Pursuit starts and load them into Sailwave


— In, “JON” wrote:

Pursuit Racing Calculations

and personal handicapping using modified starts

This is an update to SWPH and uses a similar concept to the calculation
/ modification of the ratings that SWPH can do for personal handicap
calculations, but here we modify the starts.

For a quick overview of you can watch this video (sorry its unedited at
the moment)

Link to VIDEO below

Using SWPH for Pursuit Calculations

Details of SWPH are at SWPH Page

and it can be downloaded from Download page

Please feel free to improve the templates and share them with others


Included in the download is a template file PursuitTemplateStd.xls

  • Run SWPH
  • Select the Sailwave file you want to process if it is not the last
    one you used
  • Select the template file PursuitTemplateStd.xls or one you have
    developed yourself
  • Select which race from which you want to use to feed the ratings
    into Excel. (Normally leave this at 1 but if you are adjusting handicaps
    it is probably the last one you raced - SWPH will attempt to quess for
    you anyway)
  • Click to Excel
  • Check and modify any of the start times
  • Click the Starts to SW button
  • Select if you want to use Class or individual starts (Class will
    create a start for each class in the file - Individual will create one
    for each competitor)
  • Select the Race you want to create the starts for (This is normally
    automatically set for you but you can override it if you wish)
  • Select if you wish to keep existing starts in this race if you do
    these starts will be added to those already there otherwise all other
    starts for this race will be deleted.
  • Click Go


You can now close down SWPH and open your Sailwave file with Sailwave.
There are 2 Templates supplied the Std one is simpler and can be used
for Calculating Pursuit races the Full one shows how more information
can be transferred to Excel.These are sample templates but you can
create new ones or modify these to produce your own requirements.
The idea is you can also use it to perform personal handicapping by
modifying the start times of competitors.
You might like to share what you have created with other users of the
Sailwave User Group.