New Sailwave version 2.9.7

Version 2.9.7 is now available for download on the Sailwave site


Just downloaded and installed V2.9.7 and started "playing" with the included SWCList which I'd like to use to create a signing-on sheet for Sunday's racing.
A few issues/suggestions have come to light:
1) How do I get the Event and Venue burgees to show correctly? They show ok when using the "Publish" menu.
2) Any way to either remove or reposition the page number? At the moment it appears above the table of competitors where it seems irrelevant.
3) Any way for user preferences (choice of columns, etc)to stick rather then having to redo every time the program is used?
4) Is it possible to customise the headings?
5) Can the reference at the bottom of the table be changed from to the usual

Overall really liked the program and apologies if the answers to the above questions are there on the site somewhere.



--- In, "JON" <jon@...> wrote:

Version 2.9.7 is now available for download on the Sailwave site


Hi Stewart,

  1. Can you send me a sample file that you have an issue with just tried it with a file here and seems to work fine

Inline images 1

  1. Don’t quite understand re Page No. Where else could / would you want to put it?

  2. Question is where would you store the preferences / choice of columns ? If you are only using it to create a Sign on / off List or a Tally List then agree that a preset may be easier which is the intention of the 2 buttons not implemented yet because as yet no one has responded to which columns they would like on these presets. But in practise at events where I use it regularly for creating lists with 4 digit sail numbers and checking for duplicate sail numbers, or reversing first/ last name I have different selections each time.

  3. The Headings come from the Headings you have in Sailwave - If you change them in Sailwave then they will change on this printout with the exception of the 2 extra columns that you can edit the headings on the Cols to Publish form.

  4. It was originally written a couple of years ago before I was associated with sailwave.



Jon Eskdale

03333 443377

07976 709777

On 18 April 2013 12:45, familyberry wrote:

Just downloaded and installed V2.9.7 and started “playing” with the included SWCList which I’d like to use to create a signing-on sheet for Sunday’s racing.
A few issues/suggestions have come to light:

  1. How do I get the Event and Venue burgees to show correctly? They show ok when using the “Publish” menu.
  2. Any way to either remove or reposition the page number? At the moment it appears above the table of competitors where it seems irrelevant.
  3. Any way for user preferences (choice of columns, etc)to stick rather then having to redo every time the program is used?
  4. Is it possible to customise the headings?
  5. Can the reference at the bottom of the table be changed from to the usual

Overall really liked the program and apologies if the answers to the above questions are there on the site somewhere.


— In, “JON” <jon@…> wrote:

Version 2.9.7 is now available for download on the Sailwave site
