New to Sailwave - Average points

We allow Club racers to apply for Average points during a series if they are away attending another regatta.

Should I use the OOD or RDGa or RDGb code or is there some other code I should be using??


Noosa Yacht & Rowing Club

OOD and RDGa do the same thing (average all races except this one), so you could either one.

Or create a new code- click on OOD, click on New, then use edit to renameNewOOD to your application (e.g. APA - away points allocated)

Malcolm Osborne
Rondevlei South Africa


On 2016-02-14 00:11, [sailwave] wrote:

We allow Club racers to apply for Average points during a series if they are away attending another regatta.

Should I use the OOD or RDGa or RDGb code or is there some other code I should be using??


Noosa Yacht & Rowing Club

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Hi Paul,

Malcolm has already responded with a solution. My preference would

be create a new code as Malcolm outlines as it clearly shows how the
points were acquired.

If you do decide to use a custom code based created as described by

Malcolm, I would recommend changing the description on the
properties tab of the new code. You can then when publishing the
results display a table at the foot of the results showing the codes
used in the series with a description for each code saying what it
means. To publish the codes used, check the box “* Publish codes
used*” on the "What to publish " tab of the publishing

Kind regards,

On 14/02/2016 06:57, Malcolm Osborne
[sailwave] wrote:

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OOD and RDGa do the same thing
(average all races except this one), so you could either

          Or create a new code- click on OOD, click on New, then use

edit to renameNewOOD to your application (e.g. APA -
away points allocated)

          On 2016-02-14 00:11, [sailwave] wrote:
Malcolm Osborne
Rondevlei South Africa

                We allow Club racers to apply for Average

points during a series if they are away attending
another regatta.

                Should I use the OOD or RDGa or RDGb code or is

there some other code I should be using??


Noosa Yacht & Rowing Club


email has been sent from a virus-free computer
protected by Avast.
