New Version of Sailwave Version 2.38.0

A new beta version is available for Download from the Sailwave site Download Sailwave
This has some big changes for publishing of Flight details within the results with coloured dots

or text

Where Y=Yellow B=Blue R=Red G=Green P=Purple W= white

Another feature is the embedding of the rating used very nice if you are using a Progressive/Personal handicap such as the RYA NHC or ECHO

This new feature can also be used to display rig changes or when a rating is changed due to spinnaker use.
It can even be used for those clubs that score by helm with the helm using different boats on different days so the boat used is displayed

I’ll leave it up to you to find some other uses

Some small other fixes and a new SWCList included

Please let me know if you have any questions or any feedback


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How do you enter a different rig when the class column remains the original boat? I couldnt see how to enter a different class and PY for individul races.

This Effect is for use when you change the rating for a race because they are sailing something different, in the case of the example shown in this post

In this case, the competitor is sailing ILCA 4, but for races 2 and 4 they used an ILCA 6 rig so the rating for these races was set to the rating of the ILCA 6
Sailwave has always allowed the rating of a race to be overridden for events such as this, but there was no way of showing this on the results previously


so in R2 we edit the result and set the Race rating to 1154, that of the ILCA 6

If you use the effect ShowRatings, you will get the rating 1154 displayed for that competitor in that race
If you use the effect ShowBoat, the effect will convert a rating of 1154 to ILCA6, and you will get a display as shown above, which is clearer, showing the ILCA6 rather than the rating
You can edit the Effect with the conversions that you wish it to perform

Hope that helps


Thank you for clarifying. I tried making that change and it works fine when I use the show rating. But I get an error if I use show boat. I removed all other effects to be sure it wasnt a conflict.

I set the rating for an Aero 9 against an Aero 6.

This is running as only show rating


Error is displayed if there is no matching boat/Description defined in the effect.
To fix this you need to edit the effect

Double click on the Sailwave Data icon on the desktop

This will open windows explorer in the folder as shown here


Now double click the Javascript folder and you will see all the effect files

Edit the file BoatShow.js with the editor of your choice it is just a text file


There you will see some lines as above, now add the Aero ratings and descriptions like this


And save the file (You might want to save it with a different name - that is your choice) but if you do change the name, make sure you select the new effect

Hope that works for you, if you have a problem, please don’t hesitate to come back



Thank you for the help, all works now I edited the file.

One issue might be if a class shares the same handicap number. ILCA 7 and Aero 6 had the same handicap last year.

Hi Sean,
Great - That is correct, that is a limitation, but I thought it was much nicer to have the name rather than just the rating, and for the original application, it was requested for which was only for ILCA’s, it’s fine
If they did share a rating, you could give it a name of I7/A6 for that rating. If you were worried about it, you could, with a bit of JavaScript, determine their default class and then display ILCA7 or Aero6 as appropriate. However, I’m trying to keep the concept simple for people to use. For many, it should be a nice feature—the included effect is just a starting point for users to develop from.



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