(1) i’ve bailed form auto showing those results uploaded to
sailwave.com/results -.e. using sailwave and the publish to sailwave
option . much as i would love to show them all it has to be user
choice. so if you want your uploaded results and display them in an
event. create the event, create a results page linking to them and
upload at will, optionally posting “results have been updated” news
content (say). it’s just a bit of initial setup and has the
advantage of a relevant event not a generic event.
(2) next version of sailwave has very cool features to attach/link a
series to an online event - with a single click (literally) sync
button to upload the results as currently scored (*) to the event -
they are not uploaded as html but using a JSON string with a syntax
which means lots of different display possibility the web end
including tabs and accordions etc.
(3) i am using the new website for some of a upcoming regattas,
online entry, posting documents, news and photos etc. all seems to
be working ok. the integrated upload facility is particularly
useful. i link to the sailwave events from the club website, which
does not have facilities to take online entry etc.
(*) users often score in different ways - you can sync after each
way and the results will be recognised as being different as
presented as one of a set of results.
the whole point here is *effortless single click*. or no-click if
auto is on - upload every time series is scored. in practice
probably q available syncs so they can be done in one go - e.g.
score by fleet, score everybody together, score by club, sync.
website updates itself. or something like that.