NHC to YTC as a supported handicap system by the RYA

Noticed the RYA dropped the NHC system as one of the two supported handicap systems and replaced it with ‘YTC’. Far as I can tell YTC has no modifying formulae other then creating the initial handicap for the boat. Shame as I thought the NHC had value at dinghy club level for creating personal handicaps and self modifying.

Is NHC essentially phased out?

More of an opinion post than a general enquiry.

Hi Sean,

You can always use the YTC rating for a boat as the base rating and still use the NHC method for doing progressive ratings. You can do same with PY rating values.

In my simple terms YTC is the replacement method of calculating a rating for a boat from measured data and at the end of each season the ratings are evaluated in a similar manner to the RYA PY scheme. I may be well off beam but as I said my simple take.

Kind regards,

Hi Sean

As far as I understand there is no issue with clubs using NHC just that the RYA are not supporting it any longer. Which in practice they haven’t done for years. After the author of the NHC left the RYA they didn’t have anyone to support and develop it.
Sailwave supports NHC and ECHO natively and you can use and formula that you wish with the custom option. Most clubs run dual scoring so effectively TCF And NHC or YTC and NHC OR TCF and ECHO

There is no point in submitting NHC results to the RYA but you can the PY and YTC
Just use the YTC rating to start the NHC if you don’t have any results to carry forward.


Thanks for the replies. We mostly race RYA PY as its all dinghies. I am using the last race NHC after a long series to use as the starting handicap for personal handicaps. Its a good measure of consistency when you compare the ending NHC with the starting NHC , often it doesnt change much.
I will still use the NHC as the formulae is useful regardless. Only thing I head scratch about is a new competitor as the Sailwave NHC doesnt track the overall range up and down for someone that hasnt sailed. So for now insisting on a number of results to generate a personal handicap is what I am doing. The other method is average the BCR’s then use NHC as the rating also works.

I used 89 races from last year to get a reasonable modified personal handicap using NHC.