'not in start for race' message when scoring

When scoring a series I get a recurring message for several boats which says 'boat X not in start for race Y' It is sometimes that the boat was in the start and has been scored. Closing the messages allows scoring, but causes a delay - sometimes 20 messages, each comes up one after the other. Any ideas.

By boat was in the start do you mean in the start as sailwave means it?

Go to Race Y. Right Click it. Click Edit race.

Is there a start set?

Does it have any criteria set? Eg “All competitors”


On Thu, 28 Apr 2011 15:15:04 -0000, “Mike” mswingler1@googlemail.com wrote:

When scoring a series I get a recurring message for several boats which says ‘boat X not in start for race Y’ It is sometimes that the boat was in the start and has been scored. Closing the messages allows scoring, but causes a delay - sometimes 20 messages, each comes up one after the other. Any ideas.

Thanks for reply, you lead me in the right direction. In order to use 'send to RYA',I had set up CLASSES by boat type and changed scoring from scoring by CLASS, to FLEETS and I hadn't set the starts correctly.


--- In sailwave@yahoogroups.com, <yahoo@...> wrote:

On Thu, 28 Apr 2011 15:15:04 -0000, "Mike" wrote:

When scoring a
series I get a recurring message for several boats which says 'boat X not
in start for race Y' It is sometimes that the boat was in the start and has
been scored. Closing the messages allows scoring, but causes a delay -
sometimes 20 messages, each comes up one after the other. Any ideas.

By boat was in the start do you mean in the start as sailwave means it?

Go to Race Y. Right Click it. Click Edit race.

Is there a start set?

Does it have any criteria set? Eg "All competitors"