Opti One design scoring Guidelines

The set of guidelines and tips are intended for the experienced Sailwave user
Set up the event in a new blw file per the NOR and SIs. You can use one blw file per race circle or one blw file for the multiclass event on multiple circles. If you use multiple blw files, you can merge them into one master blw file for generating whole regatta scoresheets and Prize tables…. (or not)
Set fleet = Opti, Opti Green, Laser radial, C420 etc.
Set Division = Red, White, Blue. Who decides RWB status is a local decision and you can allow kids to self declare! or record their birth day at registration and do the assignment at the OA level.
Score the event by Fleet. ... Publish Rank, Sail number, Helm Name, Crew Name (If C420s sailed), Yacht club, Results Total and Nett..

It may be a local custom to publish the RWB division status for the OPTI OD class score, so choose to UN HIDE the division column in that case. .
To generate and publish RWB fleet splits per USODA you MUST do the following.
Save the blw file.
For a multiclass regatta in a single sailwave blw File. You must exclude all other fleets (Opti Green, Laser etc)
Select, score the regatta Overall (first scoring option) and select the box and set the pull down field for Division.
(Hint) Use Set competitor field under tools., select competiors and set exlclude to 1 and then Hide excluded competitors.
Publishing the results with Sailwave 2.9 will give you a single html file with RWB tabulated sequentially and properly per USODA rules.
Publishing the results with Sailwave 2.11 beta will allow you to publish three separate score sheets separately (Red, White and Blue) in any order you wish without hiding competitors. YMMV as to how you publish.
Do not save the blw file… reload the original file… (quick and easy)

Local custom determines whether you publish the RWB fleet scores on Saturday. USODA recommends that you NOT publish these results until the end of the regatta. The message is that you are racing everyone in your 50 boat class (eg) RWB are PRIZES not Trophies/Medals
The fatal mistakes are two fold
to score Opti RWB by Division in the same fashion as you scored Fleets. (This is the second of two options in Score Series and usually the standard choice. This choice changes the scoring and the scores and placing of RWB Fleet sailors to not match Overall)
The second fatal error is to score Overall and NOT have excluded Opti Green or Laser radial etc. This also gives you a score that is not identical to Opt RWB scored by fleet (opti)

Trophies and Prizes
Prize tables can be automatically generated within sailwave.
Alternatively, the free stand alone program SWPrize is more useful and will use the properly scored Sailwave blw file scored by FLEET and pull out and tabulate all prizes that you might want, including Prizes for red white and blue fleets…The Prize table is also a template and may be used for all future events where it will automatically update and generate prizes from additional opti.blw events.. Custom prizes, (mid fleet, Youngest, Sportsmanship can be selected from the blw file using SWPrize by hand and published in this table..

If you are using separate blw files for each race circle. At the end of the day … merge the sailwave files into one master. Rescore by fleet and double check that the scores are identical and it’s all working… eg fleets have same scores. This makes publishing for the web a bit easier and uniform (Single web page with links for all fleets in the regatta). The second advantage is that SWPrize will generate proper prizes for all fleets and Opti RWB Prizes from this scoresheet. Opti RWB Division scoresheet splits will be a separate html file.